A strongly right wing, anti-welfare anti-"socialism" guy was posting thinking he was smart and said "want to teach kids socialism, when they do chores take 70% of what you give them and give it to the kids who didnt do any chores".... my response was "Dude, you grew up in a house for free, were fed for free, you already grew up on communism, thats literally what communism is, your mother raised you on communism, taught you communism" and he goes "My mom actually paid me $1 for chores which is all she could afford"... to which i responded "Oh she paid you what you she could afford, not your fair free market value? Your right, that isnt communism, thats socialism then, you were raised on socialism".
The guy has been having a perpetual meltdown in the comments ever since. It is glorious, absolutely glorious.