I recently bought a few packs of Post-Its, and they're attached to each other accordion-style. Why the hell would they do that? Am I supposed to remember from sheet to sheet which way to pull them off? For god's sake, make it stop.
@AndyLowry the type that you bought are designed to fit in a special kind of Post-it dispenser where it pops up in the center like a Kleenex and then the next one pops up as well so you can just keep pulling it up that way so what you're looking for now is a post-it's dispenser that is designed for the accordion style Post-its. I hope this helps
@AndyLowry Oh, I heave encountered this for.a long time, be careful when shopping at
Good guess! Staples it was. Though I did wind up having to go to OfficeMax during the same outing, since the local (Prescott) Staples apparently no longer even carries fountain pen cartridges. Imagine the boggling my mind underwent on that discovery.
@AndyLowry I still have some fountain pens, not used in a very long time. Couple with the old flip pump lever to get ink in them. And lost a few Mont Blancs, but back when the firm just got me another one. Now use mostly UniBall VisionElite gel pens, both blue and black (one red for notes on hard docs), and they work fantastically. If you lose one, you still have a pack of five more.
I retired my old Shaeffer Snorkels and such some time ago because they were just too fussy. The new inexpensive models with cartridge refills work amazingly well-- the nib might not be all fancy with gold or palladium, but they're the smoothest pens I've ever used. I have two, a Pilot Retro and a Waterman, and neither was over $20.
I like to use them because I need constant reminders to slow down and appreciate things more. Cowboy boots also help with that, because they make me walk slower and more deliberately. I'm trying to unlearn the in-a-hurry habit I somehow managed to incorporate when I was working.
@AndyLowry Yeah, cannot remember exactly what, they were handed down from my father, but know a couple of what pens are somewhere, are Schaeffer's.
@AndyLowry Those are specifically designed to go in a dispenser, so that each sheet pulls the next one up as you pull it off to use it. Kinda like kleenex.
Ohhh. Pardon me while I slap my forehead, and thanks for the enlightenment. So it was basically a dastardly trick to make me go back to the store and buy a dispenser, then. 😆 Well played, 3M!
@AndyLowry where two co-workers are sat at workstations next to each other and 1) you turn the post it stack through 90 degrees so it rips off alternate left and right sides and 2) each worker, the left and the right one, needs exactly the same amount of post its 3) at strictly alternating times. There. 😂
Thanks so much for the explanation, now it all makes sense.
@AndyLowry Wow, what card tricks you can do.