i find it really attractive when people do what they say without being reminded

i just reminded myself that it takes 0% of energy to actually be honest to others and to one's self

It feels good to come home to your bed. Nothing beats that

kwesi boosted

What's wrong with women celebrating themselves? Why does that make us arrogant or vain? Why can't we tell the world "I'm most definitely smart, strong, and gorgeous"?

I love to see selfies. I love it when women celebrate themselves. We are amazing and telling us to be more humble when the world is ALWAYS finding negative in us is nonsense.

I'm a cis hetero woman who loves the strength of other women. I love to see them celebrate themselves.

Sisters, you are amazing.

kwesi boosted

dear Ghandi,
how long does the ignore stage last?

Sarah Kite

i wanna have a close friends house where i could just run away to whenever my family’s a bitch

kwesi boosted

This is my cat. Boost those beautiful blue eyes!

Some things people do or/and say makes you wonder when they come from lol

kwesi boosted

When you love a person, if you do, you make their problem your own.

If you have a child, the whole world is your problem.

kwesi boosted

If anybody owns a car or dog please do me a favor and send me pictures/videos of them . I'd be glad you did xo

kwesi boosted

I have a muslim friend wearing hijab who dyes her hair. Nobody will ever see the dyed hair but her and her husband.

It's just for her, because she likes it like that :)

I wish every guy would understand the fact that girls don't walk around all dressed up looking cute and wearing makeup just to impress men

Everybody swear they fuck with you heavy until you find yourself in some deep shit

kwesi boosted
kwesi boosted

@Confused Sadly that can feel very true sometimes.

kwesi boosted

me, listening to a representative of the Catholic Church saying lawsuits are not the answer for reparations to victims of abuse like

*makes jack-off gesture*

and NPR is so fucking polite it makes me sick

this priest, Father Thomas Reese is going: bishops should listen to them; we should have a “9/11-type” commission

oh yeah? so victims, many of whom have left the church can be forced to face the patriarchy that allowed it to happen?!

nope, that doesn’t sound triggering at all

better to have nobody than to have someone half there or doesn’t want to be there

kwesi boosted

@Confused You being here will enrich us all. The more I can be a help to you the more we all gain from your valued presence.

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