I don't know why the "webinar" annoys me so much, but it really, really does.
@DavidDvorkin Froyo. Staycation. #ThePainIsReal
@jscottcoatsworth That list is so long!
@DavidDvorkin LOL right?
It took a second or two, but I figured out what you were trying to say anyway.
If you want to edit a toot, click the 3-dot ellipsis thingy below the toot and to the right, then click "Delete and re-draft". (You need to open the toot in the web to see that thingy.)
@Pat But then you lose any comments, favoriting, or boosting of the original toot, correct?
Yes, if you delete/re-edit then it's like a new toot and any favs, boosts, and replies get lost (the replies just get dumped back into the public timeline).
If I've only had someone favorite the toot and no other interaction, then I don't worry so much about re-doing it to fix something, but if people have replied then I will just let it go or put a correction in the thread when the typo causes ambiguity or confusion, or if something else has to be addressed with the toot.
... why the word "webinar" ...
I wish I could edit my toots. No matter how often I proofread before hitting the TOOT! button, I still miss errors.