A project I did a while back for shits and giggles was a neural network that learned off random photos what natural coloring looked lik for various objects and faces. Then you could feed it random black and white photos and it would try to color them. Only spent a few days on it for fun, and as you can see the results were not perfect (had some artifacts). but the results were surprisingly good if you ignore the blemishes.
#machineLearning #AI #NeuralNetworks #imageProcessing #Science
@Diptchip I would need to find it, I think its in the qoto git somewhere and chances are i have it open-sources (I usually do).
I will be happy to look when i get a chance, feel free to browse the repo in the meantime and see if it pops out to you. I cant remember where I put it, it wasnt crazy complicated or anything and probably not too much worth salavaging other than maybe as a "how to get started" tutorial if you wanted to do the same.