### outdoor weather sensor (request for advice)
I would like to get an outdoor weather sensor. Requirements:
- temperature, pressure, humidity, no wind sensor is needed (this is for a balcony in an apartment building, so wind sensor would measure only some irrelevant turbulence anyway)
- no need for graphic display
- wireless connected
- ideally "readable" by some smartphone app, possibly integrated with home assistant, or some such
- cheap - this is a hobby interest, not something to waste money on
- reasonably accurate, but again, this is not a pro app
- HW-wise ideally should work out of the box, no HW tinkering - some minor SW tinkering would be OK-ish
Any advice what devices I should look for?
@piggo ?
@FailForward @piggo I recently got the Neatamo Weather Station. $180 on Amazon. Comes with two cylinder-shaped units; one for inside the other smaller one goes outside. App is really good
@pony Thanks, good tip. Though at that price range, I can probably already get used [Vantage Vue](https://www.amazon.com/Davis-Instruments-Vantage-Wireless-Sensor/dp/B00481TX32/ref=sr_1_12?crid=1D489X93R10NS&keywords=vantage+pro+2&qid=1667761046&sprefix=vantage+pro+%2Caps%2C1142&sr=8-12), which is like second best after Vantage Pro 2 - the top in this class. I was thinking more at the bottom of the barrel side of things 😄
@pony It's bulky, that's my problem. I don't want anything protruding more than 2-3cm from the wall. Firstly, I don't care as I said, secondly, it takes space, fourth, I am sure I would just rip it off or break eventually by some stupid move around, and fifth I live at a place where we do have pretty strong winds few times a year, so if badly installed (which is almost a given with my DYI skills), the thing would just fly off the wall eventually.