Nootropic for Work or Study?
Coders and Designers Alike !!
I infrequently use Modafnil as a stimulant when I need to get a lot of monotonous work done.
I have heard on the interwebs that Modafnil, while it boosts your focus, stifles your creativity.
I haven't felt that, but then again its a very subjective thing, this creativity.
What have your experiences been, trying to be creative while on Mod ?
(I also use natural Nootropics like Brahmi and Ashvagandha, but their effect kicks in after a week and requires months of administration for noticeable improvement)
(Modafnil is considered to be a very safe Nootropic, but do let me know if discussing this goes against Qoto guidelines)
@Full_marx I never considered if it effected my creativity really.. Not that I noticed but thinking back.. maybe, I could see that. After all creativity is at its peak when your tired and in alpha state.
@freemo I'm assuming you have at some point messed around with Binaural Beats haven't you!!
But yes.
Alpha state + tucked in bed = genius time
@Full_marx Built a EEG based biofeedback machine that used light and sound t induce altered mental states. Bineural beats were part of that yes. :)
Dude all my best ideas are when im falling asleep!
@freemo HOLY CRAP !!
I have heard of these bio feedback machines and here I'm talking to a builder.
I wanted to get one of those eeg headsets with open APIs and see if I could build an app that flashed your phones flash light to induce that state.
But I had no clue where to start, and most reviewers were saying that the headbands are just skin conducting and not real EEG.
@Full_marx Its been many years, Ill have to dig it out again sometime, but no.