
Nootropic for Work or Study?

Coders and Designers Alike !!

I infrequently use Modafnil as a stimulant when I need to get a lot of monotonous work done.

I have heard on the interwebs that Modafnil, while it boosts your focus, stifles your creativity.

I haven't felt that, but then again its a very subjective thing, this creativity.

What have your experiences been, trying to be creative while on Mod ?

(I also use natural Nootropics like Brahmi and Ashvagandha, but their effect kicks in after a week and requires months of administration for noticeable improvement)

(Modafnil is considered to be a very safe Nootropic, but do let me know if discussing this goes against Qoto guidelines)

@Full_marx I never considered if it effected my creativity really.. Not that I noticed but thinking back.. maybe, I could see that. After all creativity is at its peak when your tired and in alpha state.

@freemo I'm assuming you have at some point messed around with Binaural Beats haven't you!!

But yes.

Alpha state + tucked in bed = genius time

@Full_marx Built a EEG based biofeedback machine that used light and sound t induce altered mental states. Bineural beats were part of that yes. :)

Dude all my best ideas are when im falling asleep!

@freemo HOLY CRAP !!

I have heard of these bio feedback machines and here I'm talking to a builder.

I wanted to get one of those eeg headsets with open APIs and see if I could build an app that flashed your phones flash light to induce that state.

But I had no clue where to start, and most reviewers were saying that the headbands are just skin conducting and not real EEG.

@Full_marx headbands do have a lot of noice, but there is a neuron signal in there. Issue is it is usually lost under muscle contractions and such so takes some good coding to work with it effectively, I mostly used a 32 channel EEG

@freemo These are somewhat expensive machines. I was just casually looking at their prices.

There are cheaper ones but they seem to not have any digital interface.

Will have to work with voltages.

Did you have to digitise the output of your EEG?

@Full_marx Its been many years, Ill have to dig it out again sometime, but no.

@Full_marx Thanks for opening a new and interesting reading topic for me. Starting with a backgrounder, on what nootropics are.

I see caffeine mentioned in the page, but no mention of Guarana, which is an Amazonian plant that has been long used for its stimulating properties.

We did use that (in a powder form, a spoon full dissolved in water) to help with academic work load in my uni days.

@Full_marx Just to say that.. I'm not sure I'd consider Modafinil to be a 'safe' nootropic, it has some scary potential side effects, some of them very poorly understood (e.g. risk of pregnancy if relying on hormonal contraceptives, poorly explored risk of psychiatric side-effects, etcetera):
I did explore this after seeing another person recommend it as a "safe" one and I was thoroughly put off experimenting.
I'll stick to Theanine and black tea for now O_o


Ascorbic acid 1-2g gets rid of brainfog for some (personally prevents thc withdrawal brainfog for me).

Niacin is also a great nootropic 500-1000mg

ALCAR, Huperzine-A and Alpha-GPC are great for increasing parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine

Also i personally really like Methylene Blue

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