I learned from a WP article (see alt text) that Norbert #Wiener was involved in the political discussion of mitigating the effects of the technological revolution which industrial and administrative #automation brought about.
The 2019 edition of #Cybernetics is freely available form MIT press (URL in alt text).
It's related to my work regarding the boundaries of a system A that objectivizes a system B that it intents to control, the problem of #grounding, #semantics and #classes. #ai is old.
#AI, like all other machines we invented, produced, and use in our daily lives is an #amplifier of our ability to #reason, in the same way that cybernetic #automation was (is) an amplifier of our ability to better (with more power) #control our environment, and radios, computers, the #internet, and social media in particular, are all amplifiers of our #communication capabilities.
Amplifiers do not care what they "amplify", so if you have "garbage in" you can be assured that you'll get much more "garbage out", and because amplifiers are very sensitive to ***positive*** (reinforcing) #feedback, you need some reliable ***negative*** (regulation) feedback to keep them in check.
@Kihbernetics You're right, socio-technically controlled systems have the properties that allow the application of formal control theory. I argue that Wiener's cybernetics depends on the degree of control that one asserts about the system in question. Beer's cybernetics attempts to create that control (a political, totalitarian approach). I argue that Ashby's "requisite variety" can't be the result of a formalization - it's the theorized description of an identified self-selected system.