Starting with #Rust 1.62.0, tests for gettext-rs crate segfault on x86_64-unknown-linux-musl because pthread_mutex_lock
is missing from the binary. I failed to figure out why: If you're into this sort of thing, please lend me a hand!
@minoru I thought Rust has no segfaults!
@minoru @nm0i In the meantime one could use a pure Haskell implementation for gettext:
@L29Ah Rust has one too: But if you're building an application in multiple languages (e.g. C and Rust), then it's slightly easier to use a single gettext implementation in both languages; that's where gettext-sys and gettext-rs come in.
@L29Ah Um, yes? GNU software can call POSIX interfaces just fine. (Sorry I don't have a funny response for you here.)