Every Unity GameObject has an associated transform, which comprises three vectors: position, rotation, and scale.
If you want to change the rotation, you use the Rotate method.
If you want to know what the rotation is, you'd think you'd access the rotation field. There is such a field, but it's not the one you want. You need to use eulerAngles.
#unity #unity3d #GameDev #naming
Behind the scenes, rotation is actually a Quaternion. I understand there are reasons for this, but displaying it in the Inspector as Rotation (with three components), and setting it using Rotate (with a Vector3 and an angle) made me expect that rotation would be a Vector3.
@MBoffin @peterdrake Godot is just storing the translation (origin/position) separate from the "basis" which is a 3x3 matrix capable of storing rotation, scale, and (most important, something Unity can't handle:) shearing. It's actually a bit more complicated than Unity's system, but it offers more flexibility, and the access members in Node3D make it easier to manipulate.