@freemo And yet you don't apply that same logic to the freemasons?
Any sufficiently large group will attract a few nutjobs, but that doesn't mean the larger group is unworthy of association.
The main reason I find Trump so worrisome is that he's brought this extremist fringe to the mainstream on the right. Whereas on the left, the fringe is still just a tiny minority of loud preachy assholes.
@LouisIngenthron also thr majority on the left voted for biden and in my expiernce the .ajority of thr left are almost as bonkers as thr majority of tbe right.
If this werent the norm behavior on the left id probably be more willing to consider them.
But more to the point freemasons i cant evaluate too well till im in it. If this is the norm for thrm id leave.
@LouisIngenthron a few nuts is very different than voting for a nut to lead the whole group by majority vote.
Also freemasons are distributed, each lodge manages itself and may or may not have a parent lodge.