@johnlogic So, uh, use #Gnome then. People run #MacOS because they like it. I could not possibly hate keyboard shorftcuts more because in order for then to be useful you have to memorize them, and I've never been good at memorizing stuff.
Now if what you mean is you want an app that pops up a list of the keyboard shortcuts you use, then you could probably create that yourself using #AppleScript or #Automator, or maybe someone else has done that. You could even create a note in the Notes app (or a third-party app such as Joplin if you don't like Apple's Notes app).
I guess it just bugs me when people try to push their preference for using the keyboard on us point-and-click people. I get that maybe that's not your intent, but as I say a lot of people actually like the MacOS interface just the way it is, so if you don't, please consider that maybe MacOS is not for you. There are MANY things I don't like about MacOS but their interface isn't one of them.
@Lunatech apart from what @johnlogic said regarding the cognitive load of shortcuts, you can create keyboard shortcuts for element that don’t have them through macOS System Preferences/Settings app.
@juandesant @johnlogic I think you may have sent that to the wrong person, I'm the guy who doesn't use keyboard shortcuts because I can't remember them. I'm strictly a point-and-click person. So I certainly would not have any desire to create more of them.
@Lunatech I actually did it right the first time and then edited it wrong 😕 sorry about that.
I was contending @johnlogic’s assertion that you have limited support for keyboard shortcuts on macOS.
@Lunatech @johnlogic@mastodon
This would most likely do the job