Memorial Day is for remembrance of those that gave their all for the United States. Those individuals may not have had any influence on policy, but they did their duty.

I wish we had not lost some policy, set to a higher standard. I wish that many officers and enlisted personnel had learned the lessons of inclusion for all of the people...

A little kebab. Marinate of kefir, turmeric, and a variety of other seasonings. On naan, dresses with tzatziki, and feta.

Waiting to download Homeworld 3. Yay, retirement.

Today #CDC is supposed to launch a new dashboard showing where #influenza A virus — at this time of year probably #H5N1 #birdflu — is showing up in wastewater. Hopefully we can get a better idea in real time where cow outbreaks are occurring. Maybe.

"Since late March, 42 infected herds have been found in nine states, according to the the US Department of Agriculture. Only one person has been found to be infected with H5N1 after contact with infected cows, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the current risk to public health is low, although it is working with states to monitor people with animal exposures."

#healthcare #PublicHealth#veterinarians #IDMastodon #viruses

Over the past 27 years, #H5N1 #birdflu has repeatedly defied #flu dogma, doing things scientists thought #influenza viruses couldn't or didn't do. We would be foolhardy to assume it doesn't have more tricks up its sleeve.

Scientists from #CDC and the Texas health department report on the human case of #H5N1 #birdflu infection, which they suggest may be the first detected case of H5 that involved mammal to human infection.

And then there were 28 .... mucosal Covid vaccines in clinical trials.

As well as a new oral vax entering first-in-human trial in Australia, an aerosol vax from Canada called AeroVax is on its way to phase 2.

Plus there's a new type of vaccine in development in Canada - a next generation of a next generation vax! & the human challenge study consortium has had its first international meeting.

Much more in my next generation vax update @PLOS

#Vaccines #Covid #Covid19

New twist in the #H5N1 #birdflu in cows reporting saga. #USDA has upped the number of reported outbreaks to 36 in 9 states. The 2 newly reported outbreaks occurred in NM & were apparently confirmed on or before April 17, but only posted publicly today.
What's up with that?

It's been just over 1 month since #USDA reported finding #H5N1 #birdflu in dairy cows. There are still many, many questions about what's going on & the risk it poses to people. But some things are starting to come into focus. By & me.

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