"Wind, sun and hydrogen are free. But the equipment that transforms them into energy, stores it in batteries and transmits it needs vast quantities of minerals whose supply is more concentrated than that of oil and gas.
Democratic Republic of Congo has 43% of the world’s cobalt deposits, Argentina 34% of lithium, Chile 30% of copper and Indonesia 19% of nickel, according to data from S&P Global. All exceed Saudi Arabia’s 12% share of global oil production and Russia’s 16% share of natural-gas output.
For all four minerals, the five largest countries have more than half of global deposits. With oil and gas, the top five control less than half, the S&P figures show.
Downstream production is even more concentrated: China refines 70% of the world’s cobalt, 65% of its lithium and 42% of its copper, far exceeding OPEC’s share of oil output. "
"Hungary, in particular, is a popular destination. CATL plans to spend the equivalent of $7.7 billion in the country to build what could be the continent’s largest battery plant. Hungary is one of the friendlier countries to China in the EU bloc, and offers relatively low labor costs.
Morocco, which has free-trade agreements with both the EU and the U.S., is another likely beneficiary. Gotion has signed an agreement with the government to look into setting up a battery plant there with an eventual planned investment of $6.4 billion. China’s miner Huayou will build plants there for refining lithium and making cathode materials with Korea’s LG Chem
根據南韓研調機構SNE Research指出,截至2023年8月底,寧德時代全球市占率高達37%居冠,其在歐美市場的銷售量跟去年相比幾乎倍增,而排名第2的比亞迪市占率也有16%,兩家公司加總起來已超過全球一半的市佔,也因如此美國開始敦促各家車廠降低對中國製電動車零件的依賴。"
"The hope is that growth in what Chinese officials refer to as the “New Three” industries and other favored sectors will help China’s economy banish the specters of deflation and Japan-style stagnation as a real-estate crunch weighs heavily on construction, investment and consumer confidence.
Longer-term, Beijing wants these and other high-tech manufacturing industries to be in the vanguard of its push to eventually unseat the U.S. as the world’s largest economy, while also helping it grow richer and weather the pressure of an aging and shrinking population."
"鋰是質地柔軟的銀色金屬,用於為電動汽車和智慧手機提供動力的鋰離子電池。據研究公司「基準礦物情報」(Benchmark Mineral Intelligence),到2030年,鋰需求可能較供應高出約30萬公噸。"
"這是FIRB會今年第2次阻止中企投資澳洲關鍵礦產行業。今年2月,FIRB以國家利益為由,阻止了澳洲稀土礦商北方礦業(Northern Minerals)的最大股東中國域瀟基金(Yuxiao Fund),將其持股比例由9.92%提高至19.9%。"
"為了應對稀土技術出口限制,澳洲政府今天宣布,將投資澳幣2200萬元來支持三間研究機構,包括澳洲核子科學技術組織(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation,ANSTO)、澳洲聯邦科學與工業研究組織(CSIRO)、澳大利亞地球科學中心(Geoscience Australia)。
澳洲聯邦政府資源部長金恩(Madeleine King)表示,這些研究項目將支持澳洲的關鍵礦產戰略,並支持澳洲成為全球潔淨能源供應商的目標。"