劉桂平已向全國人大呈交提案,並建議在條件成熟時盡快出台。但北京威諾律師事務所合夥人Yang Zhaoquan指出,完成這項法案可能得花上3到5年的時間,他稱,由於風險事件接連出現,不僅損害市場,還波及金融及社會穩定性,因此迫切需要更多且強大法律工具。
中國巨型企業遭遇國有化威脅的同時, 逃過倒閉潮的倖存小型企業則面臨金流不足的危機.
"Close to 19% of China’s small businesses shut down last year, compared with 6.7% in 2019, according to a study released in March by Tsinghua University involving more than 50,000 companies nationwide."
"While the insolvency rate is expected to be better this year, many companies still face serious cash-flow constraints. A survey of more than 10,000 small businesses released in March by Peking University and Ant Group Co. found that 15% have sufficient cash flow to sustain operations for six months or longer, down from 19% in the third quarter of 2020, though some expect revenue to pick up as the year progresses."
"The global investors, which also included private-equity firms, sovereign-wealth funds and pension plans, were on the cusp of reaping a massive windfall last fall. Now, it is far from certain that those investors will end up making a profit and they can’t easily sell their investments until the company revives its plans to go public again, which could be years away. "
[ For the quarter ended in March, Alibaba’s net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders was 5.5 billion yuan, equivalent to $836 million, compared with a net income of 3.2 billion yuan in the same period a year earlier. Its sales rose 64% to 187.4 billion yuan, equivalent to about $28.6 billion, beating analyst expectations.
In April, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation levied a $2.8 billion fine against Alibaba, equal to 4% of the company’s domestic annual sales. The regulator said its investigation, launched in December, found that the company punished certain merchants who sold goods both on Alibaba and on rival platforms, a practice known as “er xuan yi”—literally, “choose one out of two.”]
"中國人民銀行出手打壓, 比特幣應聲大跌. 中國除了力推人民幣數位化, 對去中心的, 不具名的數位虛擬幣, 更是戒慎恐懼.
跨界思考家范疇指出, 中美金融貨幣戰爭的嚴肅性, 遠大於真槍實彈的軍事戰爭. 而美國帶頭的產業鏈去中國化, 疫苗外交之爭, 加上外商和民間企業. 不再輕易落入中國「套養殺」的陷阱, 日本產經新聞台北支局長矢板明夫就挑明點出, 中國經濟四大馬達都熄火了, 前景很不樂觀。"
鄭州災後無電無法交易窘況也許無法阻止數位人民幣的全面施行, 但找出其他通貨作為支付預備可能會是韭菜們的現實解決方式, 無論那個取代的通貨是香菸還是白酒.
"While the 16-page document didn’t mention Alipay and WeChat Pay by name, it noted the dwindling use of cash in China—a result of the two networks’ dominance. Since Alipay pioneered digital payments more than a decade ago, followed by WeChat, the population has come to rely heavily on mobile payments, all but abandoning cash in some big cities."
"China will improve eCNY's privacy protection and anti-counterfeiting feature and increase its interoperability with existing payments tools, Yi said."
"Yi also said eCNY aims to meet the need of domestic retail payments as cross-border digital payments involve more complicated issues, such as anti-money laundering."