"由中國嵐橋集團所持有的嵐橋集團澳洲子公司(Landbridge Group Australia),自2015年起取得達爾文港租用權長達99年後,持續成為澳洲的國安爭議焦點,澳洲輿論已多次傳出要求撤銷有關租用合約的呼聲。
"The Australian navy twice told the destroyer that it would send divers down and asked it to stay clear, Marles said on Saturday. Still, the Chinese ship moved closer after acknowledging the Australian request, and used a hull-mounted sonar that led the divers to exit from the water."
[ According to Marles, the incident occurred as Australian divers were attempting to remove fishing nets from the Toowoomba’s propellers. He said the Australian navy twice told the Chinese destroyer that it would send divers down and asked it to stay clear. The Chinese ship acknowledged the Australian request, moved closer, and used a hull-mounted sonar that caused minor injuries to the divers, Marles said.
Col. Wu, in his response on Monday, said Beijing is firmly opposed to the allegations and has lodged “solemn representations” with Australia. He said the Ningbo had been tracking and surveilling the Toowoomba in waters near the East China Sea, and did so in accordance with laws and regulations—which he didn’t specify. ]
[ 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学安全研究与犯罪学教授黄吕琛表示,“土乌巴舰” 穿越台海航行的消息被公布是向中国发出了一个不算隐晦的信号,那就是对于中共军队在声纳事件导致澳大利亚军人受伤的抗议,而对于台湾议题,澳大利亚还是会维持自己的立场。]
"Australia, in turn, recently announced that — after a lengthy security review — it would not cancel a Chinese company’s 99-year lease of the northern port of Darwin.