


“川普政府的國防部官員柯伯吉(Elbridge Colby)指出,儘管這些倡議無法一勞永逸解決中國問題,但光是提出倡議,已足以鼓舞人心,顯示國防部致力將資源移出中東,提升以西太平洋為導向的部隊活力與軍力。

熟悉相關討論的知情人士指出,派駐太平洋的海軍特遣隊,將以北約在冷戰前與冷戰期間成立的「大西洋常設海軍」(Standing Naval Forces Atlantic)為範本。該部隊是一支能立即回應危機的快速反應部隊,但大多數時間巡弋該區、參與例行軍演與赴港口進行親善訪問,通常由北約各國的六到十艘驅逐艦、護衛艦與輔助艦組成,每艘軍艦派駐時間六個月。”



[ “I think the main responsibility of deploying F-22s to the western Pacific is to prevent advanced strategic bombers, including Chinese next-generation bombers, that might carry out striking operations in the US homeland,” Leung said.

China’s mysterious next-generation Xian H-20 strategic bomber is believed to have a stealth wing design that can help it strike targets in the “second island chain” and beyond.]



"The infrastructure improvements to airfields touted in the review’s unclassified summary will begin next year in Guam, which hosts a large naval and Air Force contingent and thousands of American forces, and in Australia, where Marines deploy on a rotational basis. Both are key in Washington’s strategy to counter China, officials said. The Pentagon will also send more ground and logistics forces to Australia and make a range of infrastructure improvements in Guam, including more fuel and ammunition storage and other projects, said Ms. Karlin.

Improvements to airfields in Guam and Australia will expand the ability of the U.S. to ferry troops in and out of the area for deployments or in the event of a conflict, they said."








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