原來數位人民幣是不計息的嗎? 光這點就大輸實體人民幣了啊, 兩者一比一兌換等於是前者強制使用者損失利息, 再加上使用期限這限制, 等於只能花不能存了呀...
看到小翠這集說的金稅四期, 忽然理解華夏奇聞異事的老李為啥十萬火急叫大家辦護照了....
"在中國28個行業中,有20個行業的企業收入增長速度低於官方公佈的 GDP,其中包括從汽車到家用電器等消費者最喜歡的行業。收入疲軟反過來壓低消費品公司的收益,這些公司通常非常密切地跟踪 GDP 增長,卻在第一季出現萎縮。"
"Consumer confidence is low. More important, some economists say, is that Beijing hasn’t been able to meaningfully change Chinese consumers’ long-running propensity to save rather than spend—a response to a threadbare social-safety net that means families must sock away more for medical bills and other emergencies.
Chinese household consumption accounts for around 38% of annual gross domestic product, according to United Nations data, compared with 68% in the U.S. "
"中國政府的刺激也是偏向投資而非消費。中國人民銀行也降息,但每次幅度僅0.1個百分點。中國的處境或許比日本更不利。儘管中國的「共同富裕」政策引發所得分配更平等,進而提升消費的希望,但中國家庭支出僅佔GDP 38%,遠低於全球平均的55%,且過去6年全無增加。"
WSJ這篇安慰大家說中國至少不像歐美那樣卡在通膨危機裡, 說得好像通縮是比下有餘似的. (看向日本
"China’s producer prices index, a gauge of prices charged by manufacturers, fell 5.4% from a year earlier in June, the weakest reading since December 2015 and marks the ninth straight month of year-over-year declines."
"China’s current core inflation, which excludes food and fast-dropping energy prices, has been lower only in the pandemic and the 2008-09 global financial crisis, according to data starting in 2008. Economic growth in the second quarter of the year was just 3.2% annualized, lower than any time from the financial crisis to the pandemic. Any hope that postpandemic reopening would lead to a return to rapid economic growth has floundered."
“彼得森國際經濟研究所(the Petersen Institute for International Economics)所長波森(Adam Posen)日前在《外交事務》上撰文指出,自2010年代中期以來,中國便早已久病,猶如罹患「經濟上的長新冠」(economic long Covid) 。2015年以來,銀行存款佔中國GDP的比重上升了50%。 與 2015 年初相比,私營部門的耐用品消費下降了約1/3,並且自經濟重新開放以來一直在下降,而不是因需求被壓抑而上升。 自 2015 年第一季度以來,私人投資下降了2/3,其中自疫情爆發以來下降了 25%。”
"英國巴克萊銀行(Barclays Bank)指出,人民幣市場信心微弱,可能波及星元、泰銖和墨西哥披索等其他貨幣,因為與人民幣的相互關連性升高。"
"Yet, China is remarkably cheap compared with the U.S. The gap between the U.S. and China valuations has only been this wide briefly in 2020 and 2021, according to MSCI data starting in 2003.
It isn’t only that China is cheap. As an emerging market, it ought to benefit if the dollar begins to weaken. Aside from anything else, a weaker dollar would help China defend the yuan, as it has been trying to do."
"Still, U.S. trade with China has been declining compared with its relationship with other APEC countries, as both nations increasingly turn to alternative partners in the Indo-Pacific and around the world. With the U.S. headed into a closely contested election next year, policy makers might feel pressure to take hawkish steps toward China. "
"Both men will be feeling each other out about a potential conflict over Taiwan. Six months ago, American officials were regularly conducting tabletop exercises about how they might respond to an attack, or strangulating squeeze, of the island.
There is still concern, but American officials are now signaling that they believe China’s economic slowdown has bought some time, with Mr. Xi in a poor position to risk broad economic sanctions. And in recent talks with American officials, Chinese diplomats have sounded more worried about the coming elections in Taiwan — fearful that if the election fueled a move toward independence, China might be forced to act."