"China felt it was the right time to warn Bangladesh against the Quad amid growing pressure on the government to continue the vaccination campaign and Dhaka’s subsequent reliance on Beijing to get vaccines. Taking advantage of the devastating COVID-19 situation in India, China deepened anti-COVID-19 cooperation with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, and floated a vaccine storage reserve for South Asia. This new platform aims at providing vaccines to its member nations on a priority basis during emergencies.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has been maintaining a balancing act between global powers. Dhaka is deeply aware that it needs to maintain good relationships with powerful nations such as the United States, India, China, and Japan to ensure its continued development, both economically and infrastructurally."
[ 一名美國國防官員稱,美方要求奧斯汀與許其亮通話,但“中國軍方一直沒有做出回應”。據第二位官員稱,除了奧斯汀的對話請求出現僵局外,米利將軍自今年1月拜登總統宣誓就職前就沒有與中國對等層級的官員進行過對話。]
[ 報導稱,奧斯汀原本計畫下月參加在新加坡舉行的香格里拉對話,中國國防部長魏鳳和預計也會出席。不過,今年的會議最終因新冠疫情緣故本周宣布取消。美國國防官員說,曾討論讓奧斯汀在新加坡與魏鳳和會面的事宜,但遭到奧斯汀反對。在拜登內閣中排名第四的奧斯汀希望與在中國政治和軍事體系中級別都高於魏鳳和的許其亮通話。這位美國官員說,“我們認為適當的對應方是中央軍事委員會的副主席。”
報導提及,2018年,時任美國國防部長馬蒂斯(Jim Mattis)到訪北京時曾與許其亮會面。但其餘時間裡,與美方軍事高官接觸的一直是魏鳳和,這讓美方越發受挫,因為魏鳳和在中國體制中權力很小,也不是具有決策權的25名中央政治局委員中的一員。]
親中的南華早報也報導了美中溝通管道斷聯現象, 並點出中國底線和美海軍未跨中線.
廢話: 豪強本來就跟潑皮不一樣好嗎!
[ “It’s understandable that the Chinese defence ministry would reject requests from their American counterparts during their fierce competition, with Beijing feeling that its bottom line was challenged by the US,” Shi said, referring to Washington’s efforts to promote a closer relationship with Taiwan and its sanctions against Beijing for alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang. ]
[“Despite their war of words, both the People’s Liberation Army and their American counterparts are quite careful to avoid making any provocative moves to inflame each other,” ]
“路透社報導,美國參謀首長聯席會議(Joint Chiefs of Staff)透過聲明表示,布朗(Charles Q. Brown Jr.)將軍透過視訊電話會議與中國人民解放軍的劉振立將軍進行對談。”