"In 2020, when India committed cartographic aggression by publishing a map showing the Kalapani-Lipulekh-Limpiyadhura stretch of land as its territory, the Oli government responded by issuing a map depicting it as a part of Nepal and getting it endorsed by the Nepali Parliament and including it in the constitution.
According to historical documents and evidence of tax collection from locals, this stretch of land in Nepal’s far west belongs to the country. However, in Indian eyes, Oli went too far by formally including it in the constitution. The Nepali move, which came at a time when India was hurting after the violent clash with China at Galwan in Ladakh, ended up stirring Indian suspicions over the Oli government’s intentions."
根據BBC取得的報告,這支團隊發現,中國維安部隊的監控,已使尼泊爾境內拉倫鍾地區(Lalungjong)的宗教活動受到限制。此地因靠近印度教徒和佛教徒的聖地岡仁波齊峰(Mount Kailash),原本常吸引朝聖者前往。
"China might also be worried about movement in the opposite direction.
The region on the Chinese side of the border is Tibet, from where many people have fled to escape what they see as Beijing's repression.
About 20,000 Tibetan refugees live in Nepal; others have passed through on their way to India and elsewhere.
Over recent years, China has tried to cut off this escape route.
There have been reports of Chinese encroachment into Nepal over the last two years, leading to occasional protests in the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu. The latest demonstration was just last month."
"The Pokhara airport is one of several Nepalese projects for the Belt and Road Initiative, which the country signed onto in 2017. China has agreed to finance a feasibility study for a cross-border railway that would be part of a so-called Trans-Himalayan connectivity network that may eventually include highways connecting the two countries. Nepal is also seeking Chinese assistance for a power transmission line that would cross the countries’ border.
But Nepal has rejected the designation of the airport as a Belt and Road project, because that label has complicated its diplomatic ties with India — its neighbor and rival to China for influence in the region. India, a major destination for Nepali travelers, has dragged its feet on approving flights to and from the airport."
"CAMC designed the airport drainage system without taking into account historical rainfall data in locations across Pokhara and the sloping topography near the site, forgoing a standard practice in international construction. Without such considerations, Mr. Gautam said, the airport was at risk of flooding during heavy rains. There was also no paperwork ensuring the quality of Chinese-made building materials or information on the Chinese vendors providing the components, he said, contrary to the stipulations in CAMC’s contract with Nepal.
美中抗衡情勢越篤定, 印太周邊國家需要表態的機率就越高, 保持等距越形費力.
[ So far, Indonesia has been relatively successful in maintaining bilateral relations with the two world powers and maintaining its long-standing principle of a “free and active” foreign policy. Relations are also complementary. According to Collin Koh, a researcher at the Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore, Indonesia’s relations with China are overwhelmingly economic, while it “is closer to the U.S. in terms of defense and security.” ]
[ 一名美國國防官員稱,美方要求奧斯汀與許其亮通話,但“中國軍方一直沒有做出回應”。據第二位官員稱,除了奧斯汀的對話請求出現僵局外,米利將軍自今年1月拜登總統宣誓就職前就沒有與中國對等層級的官員進行過對話。]
[ 報導稱,奧斯汀原本計畫下月參加在新加坡舉行的香格里拉對話,中國國防部長魏鳳和預計也會出席。不過,今年的會議最終因新冠疫情緣故本周宣布取消。美國國防官員說,曾討論讓奧斯汀在新加坡與魏鳳和會面的事宜,但遭到奧斯汀反對。在拜登內閣中排名第四的奧斯汀希望與在中國政治和軍事體系中級別都高於魏鳳和的許其亮通話。這位美國官員說,“我們認為適當的對應方是中央軍事委員會的副主席。”
報導提及,2018年,時任美國國防部長馬蒂斯(Jim Mattis)到訪北京時曾與許其亮會面。但其餘時間裡,與美方軍事高官接觸的一直是魏鳳和,這讓美方越發受挫,因為魏鳳和在中國體制中權力很小,也不是具有決策權的25名中央政治局委員中的一員。]
親中的南華早報也報導了美中溝通管道斷聯現象, 並點出中國底線和美海軍未跨中線.
廢話: 豪強本來就跟潑皮不一樣好嗎!
[ “It’s understandable that the Chinese defence ministry would reject requests from their American counterparts during their fierce competition, with Beijing feeling that its bottom line was challenged by the US,” Shi said, referring to Washington’s efforts to promote a closer relationship with Taiwan and its sanctions against Beijing for alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang. ]
[“Despite their war of words, both the People’s Liberation Army and their American counterparts are quite careful to avoid making any provocative moves to inflame each other,” ]
"斯卡倫卡說:「(美軍印太司令部司令)阿基里諾(John Aquilino)一直提議與中國軍方東部戰區和南部戰區司令對話,但未獲任何回應。」
“路透社報導,美國參謀首長聯席會議(Joint Chiefs of Staff)透過聲明表示,布朗(Charles Q. Brown Jr.)將軍透過視訊電話會議與中國人民解放軍的劉振立將軍進行對談。”
@Perfume 所以不要以爲土共都是酒囊飯袋,雖然大部分是,即使是蠢豬只要有錢也有一堆窮哥們跟在後面舔