cells really are beautiful. Here's a photo I took about 20 years ago of one :-) @leafs_s from RT BrainRus

RT @BrainsRus
Purkinje cells. The most beautiful neurons in the brain?

RT @lauracrucianel1
8 years ago the inaugural congress of @IASATorg took place in London, UK. Such a privilege to see the (affective) touch community growing and connecting. Here the closing speech by India Morrison @Katlab_UCL @OlaussonHakan @mcglonefp . Now looking forward to the #FestivalOfTouch

RT @SierraLabAch
So, my dear male colleagues, learn what the real problem is.

It is definitely a problem that there is a lot of female trainees but not a lot of female PIs.

And ask yourself: what I am doing to promote women leadership?

Group lunch today! So nice to work with all these wonderful people and it was great to have David Gueorguiev and Sarah Le from ISIR here too and present their work

New paper alert!
"Stroking trajectory shapes velocity effects on pleasantness and other touch percepts" can be found in JEP: HPP here: doi.org/10.1037/xhp0001079 and the open freeprint here: hal.science/hal-03972016

We find that stroking trajectory is important and that affective touch is complex. is not just a long brush stroke, neither is it just pleasantness. We show that other physical parameters are important, including touch duration and spatial pattern.

As many people now see, we need to go beyond stroking velocity and consider other motion features of touch. Affective touch is the value you get from touch, its emotional effects, which is present with all touch.

Pourriez-vous nous aider à réaliser une enquête sur les ? Nous menons une internationale sur la des différentes odeurs corporelles. L'enquête prend environ 10 minutes et est totalement anonyme. Merci de re-booster !

- the place where in winter you can feel warmth from the sun and the icy cold wind. It can make a strange combination of a hot/cold, un/pleasant, burning/relaxing sensation. It also gives incredibly clear blue skies

The last of my tomatoes are ripening… in January (and taste ok too). Lemons are doing well

#newpaper !

Hot from the press, we explore in this review paper the hypothesis that neural information may be encoded in precise temporal #spike motifs.

Video Abstract


Made a festive cherry to end/start the year. Happy New Year to all!

📢 ERC-funded postdoctoral position @DondersInst!

We are looking for candidates passionate about touch to use robotics, somatosensory psychophysics, fMRI (MVPA), and TMS on studying somatosensation.


Join us!!

Deadline of applications: 15 Jan


Beautiful trees today, but the vomit smell is not appealing! conflict

Dear early career researchers: I have been writing papers for 17 years. A professional editor just sent back edits on a first draft of a 4 page text. Except for 5 lines, the whole document was red. This is how it goes! Don't feel bad if you get a massive amount of suggested changes on early drafts. The paper will most likely be better for it in the end.

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