
Yes, it is.

And since (in the long run) I want to run , , , , and so on, I need a standard compiler.


Today we live in a dystopia where the best distributed operating system out there is .

To prove that a better distributed system can exists I need to build a system that is better than the but that can also run anything that current desktop/mobile systems can run... and much more!


plan 9 is innovative, but you aren't going to be able to make something like blender fully embrace what makes plan 9 so powerful without rewriting most of the application to work with the plan 9 system.

building a new and radically different software means breaking with mainstream tech to the point that porting doesn't make sense, or you'll just end up as another web target.


No: there is another fork that is going on such direction already, and I started because they considered me too heretic.

is a mess, broken beyond repair.

I'm looking for the minimal set of orthogonal axes that are required to describe (aka code) any useful computation.

And if you think about it, this means that needs to be able to run all that exists and enable to conceive completely new things too.

But don't worry, we don't have `sleep`, nor `mmap`, nor symbolic links and so on... I have no issue to break backward compatibility.
I guess you remember that I'm considering to forbid spaces in filenames! 😉

The innovation of Jehanne comes from it's : few orthogonal axes that let you compose whatever you want.


Yes, you are right: it seems contradictory. 


And I think this fact is interesting by itself.

People look at their servers, their computers and smartphones, and they consider them as powerful tools.
Everybody can see they are a crazy mess - it's the curse of Frankenstein, you know - they pretend it's unavoidable, or that it's not that bad, or that it's a good trade off.

So what we perceive about is basically dysfunctional, delusional.

We compare computers with abacus and say "Hey this is SO POWERFUL!"

But the fact is that current computing is severely limited by its accidental complexity.

We have built mountains of patches that always opened more issues than they worked around.

If I just wanted to build a simple system, I could go with .

is elegant and usable but it has been limited by the arrogance of that made not just simple and self contained, but _isolated_.

This means that you have to renounce to most graphical application for basically no reason.

With I want to build the simplest AND most powerful operating system that can be conceived.

And I want to prove that it's going to be hand down more powerful than, say / or / , not despite its , but _because_ of it.

And to prove it beyond any doubt, I need to show people that they can do whatever they do with mainstream operating systems but ALSO many more things that they cannot do with them.

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