Flat Earthers make me question my sanity.
Are they a hallucination brought on by my bipolar disorder? Surely this isn't a real thing in the modern era, I say to myself, some kind of joke.
But no, it's a real thing and that makes me very, very sad.
@cambridgeport90 Something I've noticed in those who are truly serious to this is that they also seem to be the type to believe conspiracy theories.
This may just be a bias on my part, though, as I don't have actual numbers. Still, those I've watched all seem to be of the tin-foil hat type.
@Surasanji I've never been that sort.
@Surasanji i believe in flat earth bc i like to live on #theEdge, silly globehead. I bet you think footballs a Sport!! 🤣
@Gbrltrspace pejoratives are not appreciated.
However, if you'd like to lay out your claims and beliefs here, I'm sure many of us at #QOTO would be happy to converse on the topic. :)
@Surasanji the question is, where is it coming from. I've seen a lot of crazy stuff here in this day and age, and I haven't a clue where most of it is generated from. People who have no scientific or any other background of Merit for that matter, we'll just say things, and become well-known by deceiving people.