The Russian regime’s collapse and Russia’s possible disintegration have become a major cause of concern.
Like in 1991, today the West is hesitant about the right way to manage the new global architecture that would emerge after Russia’s fall. And this hesitation may become the same mistake western leaders made back then trying to keep the USSR intact and fearing the nuclear turbulence. And fear is Russia’s most used tool to threaten the global community.
Russia has managed to smartly manipulate fears of a nuclear Armageddon to maintain the West’s self-imposed constraints on sending heavier and longer-range weapons to Ukraine. The price was high–precious time lost as well as thousands of lives perished on the battlefield. The only lesson the world should have already learned is that Moscow is unlikely to give up its imperialist designs on neighboring countries anytime soon, and the only way to force it to change its thinking is a defeat.
@voidabyss They won't take me. I tried in Spring of 2022.
@TheOldGuy Are you considering joining the Ukrainian arm forces?