
Trump is absolutely too old... but so is Biden. The man has barely been able to form coherent sentences consistently for over a decade now. I certainly dont want Trump to win, but we have to stop fooling ourselves that Biden isnt senile, he very clearly is. Our only real hope is if we get someone nominated other than Biden or Trump as a front runner. The best (only) thing the democratic party could do at this point (but wont) is not endorse Biden.

@freemo @TheOldGuy @freemo @TheOldGuy
Both #JoeBiden and #Trump are capable of being coherent at times, but they also often misspeak, and #JoeBiden forgets details when speaking many times, in some cases even forgetting what he was talking about.


Momentary moments of lucidity is common among senile people and morons alike. Yes no doubt every once in a while the random number generators of garbage spit out something sensical.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @TheOldGuy Just trying to be fair. #Trump rarely misspeaks, and #JoeBiden is clearly capable of some level of coherent speech as evidenced by the #SOTU and his appearance on #LateNight w/ #SethMeyers, albeit with some slurring, stuttering, and losing of his train of thought


Joe Biden is senile... he cant control his mouth or his mind, so random gibberish comes out that doesnt even make sense in terms of the english language.

By contrast Trump isnt Senile, he is just a severely challenged moron. While he has motor control over his mouth and some control over his mind, he is just a moron and the things he says may be grammatically correct, but logically are just bonkers.

They are both mentally unfit to be int he workforce at all, let alone as a president. But both of them are unfit mentally in very different ways.

@realcaseyrollins @TheOldGuy

@freemo @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @TheOldGuy IDK, I wouldn't call #Trump a moron, but I do think he is approaching senility. Some of the things he says makes sense but he says wrong words when speaking at an increasing rate, which is a sign of declining mental faculties. Still, it's not at a level where he couldn't be a president.

#Trump is unfit to be in the general workforce more because he'd probably say something inappropriate and has too much hubris, not because he is a moron or illogical.


The senile aspect of Trump seems pretty managable to me at the moment. Its no where near where Biden is at in that regard. But yea there is some clear decline from age as well.

The inappropriate things he says is not unconnected with him being a moron. Morons have a high tendency towards prejudice in general.

@realcaseyrollins @TheOldGuy

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins @TheOldGuy i liked the part where for some reason the state of the union address was about hitler and how judges didn't know women had the power to vote. :blobcatwaitwhat2:

@icedquinn @freemo @TheOldGuy @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world That part was weird, I need to rewatch it.

It seemed more like he was talking down to #SCOTUS tho rather than genuinely thinking that they did not know these things.

My favorite part was how he talked about his upbringing and then joining politics but completely skipped over the part about his ties with the #KKK, going so far as to insinuate that he was a longtime friend and fan of #JohnLewis


I actually didnt watch it... if i wanted to hear the opinions of some clueless people on how to run the USA I'd be in england right now.

@icedquinn @TheOldGuy @realcaseyrollins

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @TheOldGuy @realcaseyrollins its like if you took a mash of talking points and piped them in to chatgpt and it spat them back out in random order, then you had an old man on cocaine injections read them out loud


Biden has had a stutter since childhood. I haven’t seen Trump speak much (hard to stomach, I’ve despised him since his 1980s New York mogul days), but saw clips from his most recent rally. Lots of weird speech impediments.


> Biden has had a stutter since childhood.

It has never been this bad since he entered public service.

> Lots of weird speech impediments.

"Lots" is an obvious exaggeration.

Kinda curious is you're trying to make the case that #Trump is more senile than #JoeBiden. If so I'd love to hear it, I haven't been watching many sitcoms lately so I'd appreciate the added humor in my life.


Oh Casey. No, that’s not the argument I was trying to make. If you put this in terms of senility, then I should say I don’t equate speech impediments with senility. I took it more as you trying to bring Biden down in some way because he has a speech impediment. In that case, I was pointing out that Trump has exhibited some of his own. I’m not trying to be combative. Geez, I’m already getting tired of even Mastodon.


Thanks, man. I don’t want to be seen as a substitute for your sitcoms, FFS. 😜

@realcaseyrollins @freemo @TheOldGuy As opposed to #Trump who warned us last week that Saudi Arabia and Russia will reebeedookgaaah. Which was an exclusive piece of information if I ever heard one. #MangoMussolini #DiaperDon


Momentary flashed of coherence is the best you can accept from either the current president or the last.

@realcaseyrollins @TheOldGuy

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