Men < Women
Men > Women
Men = Women
As much as we celebrate women and their role in society, we should celebrate and respect men too.
In last few years, i've noticed that because of the feminist wave, a lot of women started thinking of themselves as superior gender. That's exactly what we are against. If you don't want any other person to rule over you, you shouldn't rule over any other person too.
Being a woman, it hurts me when people disregard the idea of feminism.
@ajeeshrp7 here's a cookie for you
@_lunawinters Awww thank you :)
@_lunawinters This.
@_lunawinters one women reach equality with men across society, then it will be time to address any women who’ve taken it too far. Until then, we must support women’s fight for equality!
"a lot of women started thinking of themselves as superior gender"
As a man I find it absolutely disgusting and embarrassing to read that there are men who present themselves as oppressed victims of feminism and anyone who defends the #maletears discourse.
@JotaSeth i am myself a woman and I've seen other women doing this. I don't support oppression of any gender be in male or female.
I've seen that when a woman gets molested in a public place, people are ready to help her but when a man gets to hear same words about his body in a public place and gets uncomfortable, no one cares. I've seen a lot of women misusing their rights. False accusations against men just to degrade them.
Men get raped too but not much is done. Why?
@_lunawinters @JotaSeth well we all need to be a humanist rather than feministic or misogynistic. Rape is henious either any victim gender involve. Jurisdiction must make laws applicable to every gender. Like section 375 of our law give advantage to female victim in rape case if she just confess in court then without any inquiry accused will found guilty . It just violate of our rights. laws should never be gender specific .If everyone just do what's need to be done,world will unfold itself into a better palce
To say that one prefers to be a humanist to a feminist or to put misogyny and feminism as two extremes is to demonstrate that one has no idea what feminism is.
To say that many women think they are superior to men because of the feminist wave is to be a liar.
By the way, yes, of course there are men who are raped, mostly by other men.
Machismo is a scourge to extinguish and to see a woman defend the machista agenda is very sad.
@_lunawinters we all are on same page guys maybe on different para but we all agree at
some point. @JotaSeth@mastodon.sociall bro you got no chill we all are just discussing.I am open to accept any ideas or views. Maybe you should too.
@_lunawinters Respect, Sista!