Has anyone got any recommendations for books or papers on Corvids in general?
Ideally the neuroethology behind their behavior but anything to start with should do.
@aazad Carl Bergstrom @ct_bergstrom is a man made for this question, but this book might be a place to start.
That book sounds like a good start, thank you!
@RickSearle @aazad I love that book especially for its gorgeous photos. In his most recent book about corvids, Gifts of the Crow, John Marzluff writes a bit about the neurobiology.
That sounds like that would work too. Thanks Carl!
Any other recommendations or perhaps landmark papers?
Or anyone who's work might lean in the direction I'm thinking of. I'm particularly interested in their sociodynamics and communication, ideally from an evo.devo. lens but anywhere to start with should be fine.
@aazad I remember reading somewhere that crows are comparable to apes in their emotional intelligence. Very smart with a high brain size to body size ratio.