The higher word limit here compared to Twitter is great. People still keep it short, but it's not nearly as cramped. And I can be longer where it feels right.
@acjay I wonder how much of the voluntary brevity is because we have been conditioned on 140, 280 character limits.
@schmudde I think that's probably true. There's something to the brevity for sure. I know it has helped me get to the point better.
@acjay Yeah, keep in mind though that most Mastodon instances are on default settings and have a 500 character limit.
Personally I still find that to be too small. I've found my minimum is about 2000 characters, and about 4000 is my sweet spot. At that point I can make any post without having to worry about character count.
@trinsec I doubt I've gone over 2000 chars. At that point, it wouldn't be very painful to split.
@acjay Yeah, I've not gone over 2000 that often, but once I did and asked the admin (it was on a previous instance I was on) if he could double it and he did so. Then I've never had an issue, ever.
Mind you, most of my posts do fit 500 chars overall. But sometimes want to post something longer, so it's just nice here. :)
A lot can be said with 65,535 characters. I've never gone near maxing that out.