I don't know why I've only discovered this #Youtube #channel about #space, #astronomy and some speculative #futurism, but so I'm glad I did!
#Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur
Birds, Birbs and Borbs
I have just become heavily informed about a totally useless but otherwise awesome information.
When Is a Bird a ‘Birb’? An Extremely Important Guide
What’s the Difference Between a ‘Borb’ and a ‘Floof’?
Hubble #Space #Telescope captures stunning red view of the Soul #Nebula
#HubbleSpaceTelescope #soulnebula #astronomy #astrophotography
Humans can recognize and understand #chimpanzee and #bonobo gestures
"Humans retain an understanding of gestures made by other great #apes, even though we no longer use them ourselves, according to a study by Kirsty E. Graham and Catherine Hobaiter at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, publishing January 24 in the open access journal PLOS Biology.
Researchers tested people's understanding of the 10 most common gestures used by chimpanzees (Pan #troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan #paniscus) using an online game. Over 5,500 participants were asked to view 20 short videos of ape gestures and select the meaning of the gesture from four possible answers."
Here's the direct link to the test
Borbness is more than a matter of shape. It's a matter of attitude.
Marianne North traveled to 6 continents & 17 countries, painting exotic plants in remote & hazardous jungle environments… all while travelling alone in Victorian dress in the 1800s.
North depicted over 1,000 scientifically accurate pitcher plants, orchids, ferns & more. Her oil paintings introduced botanists to multiple previously unidentified species & several are named after her.
Her art has its own gallery at Kew Royal Botanical Gardens. https://artsandculture.google.com/story/marianne-north-an-unsung-pioneer-of-botanical-art-kew-royal-botanic-gardens/OQVB7c9EslEtHQ?hl=en #women #history #art #science
The article did not link to any studies regarding diseases being associated with #light #pollution so here are some that I found:
Exposure to Artificial #Light During #Sleep May Increase Risk of #Heart #Disease and #Diabetes
Light at #night and risk of breast #cancer: a systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis
Exposure to artificial light at night and risk of cancer: where do we go from here?
Just to be clear, these are not conclusive and more research on the topic is suggested.
Lights Off: #China Finally Takes Action on #Light #Pollution
"Excessive artificial light at night can disrupt humans’ biological cycles, and has been linked to numerous #health problems...Chinese people are diagnosed with short-sightedness, and the state-owned news website People.cn once quoted several ophthalmologists as saying that the major reason why the 60 percent of Chinese high school students were short-sighted was because their visual environment was polluted and caused damage to their corneas and irises"
"Artificial light also disrupts the biological rhythms of #wildlife, affecting reproduction, nourishment, sleep, and self-defense, and can have a ripple effect on the entire #ecosystem."
Why is the Moon Upside Down?
(Awesome Astronomy)
Answer: Depending on one's location, the moon will appear upright (northern hemisphere), upside down (southern hemisphere) and on its side (equator). 🌜 🌕 🌛
Very interesting stories of #aerospace #medicine with physicians Dr. Auñón-Chancellor and Dr. Michael R. Barratt and their expeditions aboard the International Space Station.
NEJM Resident 360 - Curbside Consults Podcast
Space Medicine with Drs. Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Michael Barratt
Podcast show notes:
A short #documentary about how people are tackling the problem of #sargassum - a #macrolgae that has had unprecedented overgrowth over the past years. The Great Atlantic Sargassum belt stretches from west Africa up to the Gullf of Mexico and benefits many #marine life.
However, with new populations of the macroalgae finding its way to the coasts of Brazil and the Caribbean, it is now affecting many communities living near the shore, fishermen and other #wildlife, such as baby sea turtles trying to make its way to the #sea being unable to climb over them. Climate change is seen as one of the factor contributing to its rapid growth.
#ocean #invasivespecies #algae #climatechange
"Drowning in seaweed: How to stop invasive Sargassum" (NatureVideoChannel)
Consuming #soy flour rich in the #protein B-conglycinin has the potential to reduce #LDL #cholesterol levels and lower the risk of metabolic #diseases such as atherosclerosis and #fatty #liver disease
#NutritionalScience #Medical #sflorg #nutrition
Schwanzmeisen ... Federbällchen ❤️❤️❤️
#DietmarSchneider #Fotogalerie #Foto #Photography #Fotografie #Photo #Animals #Birds #Vögel #Schwanzmeise ##LongTailedTit #Vogelfotografie #Birdphotography #Ornithologie #Ornithology #Wildlife #Berlin #Schlossparkgezwitscher #Naturephotography #Naturfotografie #Digitour
Appreciating nature. Looking at the stars. Asking so many questions.