Did you have a #reading goal for 2023? Did you meet it? I did not have a goal; but, I did read quite a few books over 2023. I cannot say how many exactly as I did not keep a written record. Is keeping a record important? Should keeping a record be my #NewYearsResolution for 2024?
#Read #AmReading #Book #Books #Ebook #Ebooks #Bookstodon @bookstodon
#Image attribution: Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Plate_8-_Man_in_a_hat_reading_a_book_with_a_magnifying_glass;_from_Icones_ad_vivum_expressae_after_Giovanni_Battista_Piazzetta_MET_DP883386.jpg
@bibliolater @bookstodon I read more than I have since I graduated my graduate program in 2017.
I just got a book that looks like an easy read & was available in large print.
“Andy & Don”
About the series “The Andy Griffith Show”
@bibliolater @bookstodon
Keeping a reading reord is a habit that I'm very happy I developed about 10 years ago because I was rebuying books that I'd previously finished and forgotten. Also, I love to be able to go back and talk about favourite features with other readers. I just use GR because it's readily accessible, I can scan ISBNs of books that interest me and I can bookmark whatever other readers recommend. Nice to see what my friends are reading.
@EllenInEdmonton @bibliolater @bookstodon Same. I was buying paperback versions of hardcover books that I loved more often than I would like to admit! I will pull out my Goodreads tbr list to help me pick out books when I’m at the bookstore too.
@bibliolater I don’t have a reading goal. Typically I read about three or four books a month. As for keeping a record, here’s what I wrote yesterday in response to a similar question:
I’ve kept a handwritten list since 1985 (it’s how I knew when I reread Ursula Le Guin’s _The Left Hand of Darkness_ this year that I had first read it in 1985). I made a decision from the start not to make any comments as I didn’t think I would keep that up. I use a star rating for a while, but soon gave that up too. I note basic book details and the year and month I read it. I’m now about a third into my second notebook. One tip: for a few years now I have circled the author surname and found that that makes it a lot easier to scan back in time.
Occasionally I look back on what I’ve read over the years and it’s interesting to see what obsessions I had at various times!
For a few years now I have also kept track of reading in Calibre, as Calibre makes it easy to add a summary, tags and my own review. But I maintain my notebook list as well.
@bibliolater @bookstodon
I don’t recall stating a specific goal, but toward the end of the year I decided to bring reading for myself back into my life. I’m a teacher (at the moment), and so my reading over the past few years has basically been for work, with the exception of the teacher book club. Of course, that’s a whole thought stream of its own.
Something I have done in years past to is to keep a notebook and write about each book I read. A summary, a lesson, what I liked or learned about character or plot writing, etc. I’m thinking to start that up again as well.
I’m leery of setting a numerical goal, but there will definitely be more reading for me in 2024.