🔴 📖 🖥️ **The smell of paper or the shine of a screen? Students’ reading comprehension, text processing, and attitudes when reading on paper and screen**
"_Our results reveal that, overall, the students performed better when reading on paper compared to on screen, which parallels existing findings highlighted in our literature review. Yet, examining single-student performance revealed that some performed equally well across both modes, and one student comprehended better with screen reading._"
Jensen, R.E., Roe, A. and Blikstad-Balas, M. (2024) 'The smell of paper or the shine of a screen? Students’ reading comprehension, text processing, and attitudes when reading on paper and screen,' Computers & Education, 219, p. 105107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2024.105107.
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