Would you be interested in using Fediverse / Mastodon currency ...
i think monero has pretty good properties. the part of cryptocurrencies being bad for the environment is bullshit there are _so many things_ done by states which are much much worse for the environment starting with prolonging bullshit wars but the list is nearly endless.
cryptocurrencies directly profit everyone except the people who want to rob you.
@Elf proposes a honey backed currency in the profile, i'd totally go with that :)
@bonifartius @Elf Yep... honey sounds good. It's a more real and more nature-based pyramid harder to fake perhaps and more pollinating other things... I do think about asking the hives I help with to maybe leave the bees half of their own real produce rather take it all and replace it all with standard bright white sugar instead every time mixed with water...
And oh hi @Elf
( and funny to paste in breastmilk.club with elf's username, almost like they are using breastmilk as a currency or club itself :) now there's and idea....! )