So I've stumbled across my first annoying "libertarian" "free speech" racist (with an anime avatar) on here. What's Best Practices here? Just ignore them? reply to them pointing out they are evil?
@Andrewkemendo thumbs_up.bmp
@ceoln check his instance rules, and if he's violating those, report him and check the box to forward a report to his server admins. If not, just block the user or his whole domain.
@khird ooh, good advice, thanks! I'm guessing he may own the instance, so I could just block the whole thing for efficiency. :)
@RupertvonRipp No, racism is bad.
@MasterSimper Racism is evil
@WhiteDissidentRadio don't be obnoxious
@ceoln Report them to their instance moderator and your instance moderators. If their moderators don't take care of it, your mods should, if your mods don't, switch instances to one that sucks less.
@ceoln the latter never works and they thrive on engagement
Use the Cypher (Matrix) approach: Ignorance is bliss