The QOTO edit profile options include an "Apperance" webpage. At the top of the page, I see an "Advanced Web Interface" (AWI) option box.
I do not understand text which explains, "If you want to make use of your entire screen width, the advanced web interface allows you to configure many different columns to see as much information at the same time as you want: Home, notifications, federated timeline, any number of lists and hashtags."
I did click on the AWI box. But the consequences of my action remain unclear. -- see
What next? Have I overlooked an online resource which will help me figure out what I need to know?
@chikara I am working on preparing an AWI guide, taking screenshots, to share what mine looks like and how to get there.
Will be a lot of images, so I will write it on the Dsicourse Forum, and post link here when done.
Can't control that many images properly here.
@chikara Take a look at my topic from earlier today. There are screenshots of my wide screen setup, and I am quite happy with it.
You might need to play with the controls at the top right side of each pane to get to where I am.
Now I want the same setting in my other instances too. Just nice to use all the screen, finally.