➡️ I'm seeing a lot of "N95s work and other masks do not"
➡️ Filtration is relative, not absolute
➡️ Summary and infographic ⬇️
⬇️%s are filtration percentages for submicron (less than 1 micron) particles - aerosol data - the relevant size because #CovidIsAirborne
90% N95s without fit testing
70% Level 1 medical with cotton overmask
50% Level 1 medical or well-fitting 2-layer cotton
What does it mean?
➡️ Wear the best mask available
If you have access to N95s or FFP3s with overhead elastic, wear them
Otherwise use what you have: any mask is better than no mask
A certified medical mask with a good-fitting cloth mask over the top to improve the edge seal is a great low-cost combo
Mask braces are a bit uncomfortable but is you are in a high-risk situation (eg health care worker not supplied with routine N95s) they greatly improve the filtration of medical masks
#COVID #BetterMasks #MaskUp #MaskMandates #Masks
#WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #BetterMasks #MaskUp #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid
see my toot timeline for details...
@Pat I totally agree with your #WearTheBestMaskAvailable approach. Encourage elastomerics, N95s, FFP3s.
But when you say not to wear anything else:
➡️ people without access to these are disempowered
➡️ we downplay the contributions of mask-making volunteer groups early in the pandemic and may even create confusion about whether those early masks worked (they did)
➡️ the absoluteness is not in keeping with the peer-reviewed evidence which we summarize here⬇️
Also it makes it seem like we disagree, which I doubt!
We also curate curated lists of #BetterMasks⬇️
✨ We would welcome additions to this page from outside North America✨
Thanks for the interest!❤️
Summary: If you don't want to die, wear an N95 or better. Otherwise wear a cloth mask.
Never ever wear a cloth mask or a KN95 mask, they are not reliable at preventing infection.
N95 respirators are easier to breathe through than a cloth mask. They are available for free from most pharmacies, just ask.
An N100 / P100 elastomeric respirator has the highest efficiency at a reasonable price and they are easier to perform a seal check on. They are available from any PPE vendor or even from many hardware stores.