Hate Mail
Oh boy. A popular science piece I wrote for @ProstasiaInc is now live. Found out via the bird site. Given that site’s willingness to tolerate #hatespeech, #ViolentThreats rhetoric, and all out threats, I can’t foresee this ending well. The piece I wrote is about #sexualabuse #prevention and I stand by it.
The thesis of the piece is simple: we need to stop the performative rage and actually put our money where our mouths are. #protect #children.
Hate Mail
@DrGTenbergen Sorry you're getting hate about it. I read through it and thought it was great.
I passed your post on to our blog editor and asked about setting up a system where we notify authors of posting dates in advance so they're not caught off guard by harassment
@DrGTenbergen Sounds like we do usually warn people a couple days in advance of posting but our blog editor just forgot. Apologies for that