What an "Assault Rifle" ban sounds like to me:
"Well since no guns used in mass shootings have ever been painted pink, lets make it so all guns have to be pink, that will reduce mass shootings!"
@freemo the discussion around "gun control" in this country is so disappointing to me. There are a number of things we could do that would reduce gun deaths (improve background checks in multiple ways, purchase cool-down periods, require safety measures, require training - maybe provide training in High School). All short of, "ban guns".
@freemo I think the measures I outlined above do take rights concerns into consideration, and I'm aware of at least a couple attempts to implement some - that immediately were treated as non-starters.
I agree with "getting into the heads of both sides", but I think political gridlock on this is solidly due to the industry lobbies. They should have some say, but it outweighs the desires of the many by quite a bit, and that's undemocratic at the least.