@freemo Tbh. I have nothing against homosexual people (or whatever is appropriate to call them). They're people like the rest of us after all
@Saederup92 That statement really shouldnt even need saying. Its sad some live in a society where it does need saying.
I live in the netherlands but also have a home in america. No one would ever need to say that in the netherlands
@freemo Here in Denmark it's actually unheard of that someone would say otherwise as well
@Saederup92 I find most countries (not all) are pretty sane. The exceptions are the english speaking ones really. Though russia looks worrisome too just havent been there personally so i dont want to judge
@Surasanji Israel always struck me as a place of "wonky" morality at an aggregate level. All the stuff you've probably heard before.
But as always I dont let that effect my opinion of any citizen I might meet. That wouldnt be fair.
Plus i havent been there so i like to keep my opinions low-key if i cant speak from experience anyway.
@Surasanji @freemo I personally won't ever bat an eye if someone told me they were gay or bi or whatever similar
@Saederup92 Yea I hear you. Unless I have a romantic or sexual interest in the person I dont really even see it as relevant.
@freemo @Saederup92 Israel is a wonky place in general, but yes.
I fully support anyone who wants to visit here and see how it is with their own eyes. Tel Aviv, in my opinion, is about as close to the 'best' of Israel you could hope to see.
It's no different than any other city in the world, except for the overwhelming number of Jewish people- but Arabs, Africans, Palestinians, Jews of all sorts- Everyone is here and mostly get along. Mostly.
The politics are crazy, and the political parties outside the center are always batshit insane. But, I'm a center-left leaning individual, so both sides seem to go a little too far to my opinion.
You're not wrong, though. Israel is a patchwork of 'wonky' morality.