@binsrc Nice, looks slick... im on a qtile rice right now but also have a i3 rice going. I <3 tiling window managers
@freemo lol (https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/3iy3wd/stupid_question_what_is_ricing/) i had no idea. Well, I'm doing a server some time this week. Maybe I should try one of these tiling window managers and see how hard I crash and burn.
@binsrc They are amazing in terms of productivity IMO.. once i moved to one I cant stand regular WM anymore.
@freemo which one out of qtile and i3 makes you feel happy to be alive, (i'll try that one)? I'm guessing qtile.
@binsrc Worth a peek. I find its nice to disconnect from the mouse and rely on more desktops to sort windows than clicking on a menubar.
@freemo lol, I’ve thought about TWMs and that’s as far as I got. I think I’m probably not capable enough for the TWM power achievement. I better stick to my old friend gnome. I love you gnome, you are always there for me.
@freemo cool, thanks for the advice. I don't think I'll break my gnome habit any time soon but I am definitely curious.