
I wish we had more electrical Engineering users at QOTO. Though @lupyuen has been a joy, and does some great microcontroller posts I wish I had more people to talk to about the math behind circuit analysis. Specifically RF stuff would be fun.

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@freemo @lupyuen I'm in a funny situation. In my work we use classical EM to make detectors/pickups and kicker magnets etc, but these can be at very low frequencies. For example a couple of years ago, I found an unwanted resonance on a kicker magnet at 6MHz. The PCB I mentioned to you was for phase matching signals from a bunched particle beam at 200 MHz. At very low frequencies (~100 kHz) fields leak through conductors, which can also a potential concern for me. It feels a world away from typical modern RF/electrical engineering, but clearly there is overlap. I'm always interested to read your EE posts :)

@freemo @lupyuen, this reminds me that a month and a half ago, I was thinking how best to get something like circuitikz to work on this here instance. I might want to post a few contributions in German though.


I think I remember you asking that. If it worked well it would be cool!



latex related programming of any kind is pain :) While i do enjoy consuming latex for highly formatted text (mostly due to not having any good alternatives) I really hate digging any deeper than that.


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