Just a little recap on coronavirus numbers for those who like to make it sound like Trump and the USA did a bad job on handling it, when in fact long-term seems we did a better job than almost any other country.

Just a side note, it is important we look at coronavirus cases and not deaths because we dont have similar comorbidities across countries. Obesity is the #1 comorbidity for coronavirus and the USA has more of that, by far, than any other country. Obviously we cant lay that blame on Trump or the government. So if we want to fairly evaluate the USA's government in handling this we have to look at the part of the equation they have control over that is case count. So lets give a good summary of that.

I will break the numbers down into two points, one to demonstrate long term outlook will be the change in case numbers since lockdown was letup in each respective country. For the most part that would be mid june to mid july for most countries. The other number we will look at is the current situation, which we will look at percentage of the population currently infected to measure that.

Literally I picked 7 random countries in europe and even included canada. The USA has beat all but two countries in terms of infection rate, canada, which is only slightly better, and germany, which has half the infection rate. The other 5 countries the USA is doing significantly better than on infection rate. More importantly though in terms of trending since lockdown the USA has significantly outperformed every single country without a single exception by a huge margin. In fact the USA is the only country showing a downward trend since lockdown was over at 1/3 increase where all other countries have seen upward trends between 5x and 86.16x. So overall I'd say the USA is probably one of the best performing countries worldwide in terms of the coronavirus when we consider both long-term outlook and current infection rate.

Moreover, while we cant really compare absolute numbers in the case of death rate, due to the comorbidity issue I mentioned we can still evaluate that by looking at relative numbers. Essentially if we look at how quickly our medical system adapted to reduce the mortality rate since initial outbreak till now (which would normalize for comorbidities to some extent). As can be seen in the attached chart the USA has done quite well in that regard as well.

* 0.00679% infected
* 1/3 decrease (0.33x) in case rate since out of lockdown

* 0.00565% infected (0.832x of USa)
* 9x increase since out of lockdown

* 0.0107% infected (1.57x more than USA)
* 5x increase since out of lockdown

* 0.0306% (4.51x more than USA)
* 86.16x increase since out of lockdown

* 0.0227% (3.34x more than USA)
* 36.7x increase since out of lockdown

* 0.0190% infected (2.8x more than USA)
* 53x increase since out of lockdown

* 0.00671% infected (0.988x the USA)
* 16x increase since out of lockdown

* 0.00321% infected (0.472x USA)
* 12.4x increase since lockdown

-19 @adrysdale @Space6host


The virus hit hard no doubt. But US economy fared better than most and is recovering faster than most. Sadly americas obesity problem also meant we got hit pretty hard... But no denying the long term numbers has us on top compared to many nations and the trend / long term for us looks even better.

@adrysdale @Space6host

accusing fat people of dying for being fat is the same as accusing women who wear a short skirt for being the cause of their rape.
President Trump let americans down. He is on charge of Americans and we are fat. No angels. No indestructible. Etc.
@adrysdale @Space6host


You have got to be kidding me.. Part of me thinks that response couldnt really be in earnest.

Its not about blame.. it is a simple fact that if you are obese you have a much much higher chance of dieing of this disease than someone who isnt when you catch it. That is well accepted medical fact. It isnt about blame.

Your response is like me saying "Did you know overweight people stand a higher chance of getting heart disease and dying early".. and you replying "How date you blame fat people for dying from heart disease, it is Trumps fault!"

LOL, just wow man. By the way I also want to point out **you** are the only one referring to them as fat and using degrading language here, so if anyone has stepped out of line in how they are treating overweight people it would be you.

@adrysdale @Space6host

It is not the same a heart disease on overweighted people (an internal condition, consequence of being unhealthy fat) than #COVID19: an external condition depending of public health policy.

Trump didn't care about the oldest, the unhealthy, etc. He recommended using bleach or a non tested drug.

Do you know what is bad for people on risk? To have contact with the virus! That is bad! And the virus @adrysdale @Space6host - 1/2

is on the streets for a lot of decisions made by the federal government.
@adrysdale @Space6host @freemo - 2/2

@adrysdale @Space6host @freemo

Trump bullied people using masks. Using masks and being Democrats is the same in some states! He bullied Biden about it just 3 days ago...

He is on favor of returning children to schools with disregard of the teachers and after being proved as a BAD IDEA with horrible results in all the countries that tried it.

The management of the pandemic in USA was bad. Horrible bad and the metrics show it.



I am not claiming either way which of Trump's actions resulted in the outcome we saw, if any. That would be a matter of debate, and there are plenty of things we can fault Trump with for sure (or any leader for that matter).

But the facts are facts, and at the end of the day when we look at the results, the USA did pretty ok.

@adrysdale @Space6host

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