Just in case it wasn't clear that P has completely lost his shit, he has also been mass-spamming my account for a good 30 minute now with hundreds of messages. doesn't really matter to me, easy enough to silence. though it does put his entire server at risk from a legal standpoint.. but that just shows how far gone he is.
But yea, the man is absolutely obsessed and lost it.
@runfox It certainly is hilarious, ill grant you that. I turned on a filter to block any OP DMs from him about a minute in... seems he keeps rewriting his script to be more "advanced" like how its issuing random text.. but none of it has gotten through in a while because the guy is too much of an idiot to realize all I had to do was filter out OP dms from him to me and the context doesnt even matter.
Only person he is trolling is himself.