Funny, remember how all the liberals complained about the heinous injustice of Trump using executive orders excessively.... well surprise surprise Biden issued many times over what Trump issued in executive orders already. In fact in just one day in office Biden had already twice the number of executive orders as Trump had after 2 weeks... funny dont hear a single liberal complaining, not one... its almost as if they were just complaining because it was a republican doing it and they have complete double standards... nah that couldnt be it right?
Nobody was complaining just because he used execs. We were complaining because Republicans criticized Obama for his executive orders, then immediately cheered Trump for boasting about all of his executive orders in one of his first news releases.
Now half of Biden's orders are undoing what Trump did, and others apply only to the federal government, which is perfectly within his bounds.
And it's BS to measure first 24 hours. Let's see how he does over time
@bnmng You may have been saying that, but that certainly wasnt what I saw from the vast majority of people, not one of them even mentioned obamaor the points you mention
> And it's BS to measure first 24 hours. Let's see how he does over time
We already did, i showed the 24 hour stat, which was horrendous, but the other image shows the 100 day stat comparison and he is already ahead of every other president after 100 days, and he hasnt even been in office 100 days yet...
So yea, pretty horrific track record so far (and this is barely the start of it, he already undid trumps scaling down of our nuclear arsenal too by pushing forward on R&D of one of the biggest nukes in US history compared to trump who largely scaled down the yield of the bombs in our arsenal)
@bnmng Oh and by the way, over the course of their career Obama has more presidential Orders (which would include memoranda and executive orders which are both functionally similar) than Trump has.. so even if we do bring this back to Obama vs Trump the liberals are still the ones in the shitter
Not sure about memoranda - have to take your word for that. People defended Trump saying his exec orders were less overreach by nature than Obama's. I disagreed, but I think it applies to Biden. He's undoing Trump's executive orders and dealing with a national crisis which demands immediate action.
@bnmng And Trump didnt have a national emergency to deal with? This is my point.. liberals always find the excuses when they do the things they complain about, suddenly they find a reason to make it ok. The truth is this should have never been an issue in the first place, but liberals spent 4 years turning mole hills into mountains :)