@biomedmax The difference is that this 1.9 trillions will rain on people. The others were raining on companies. There is a difference. ๐Ÿ™‚


Funny, Trump pushed for a stimulus of 2K, Bidens only 1.4K for the people. which also happens to be the exact same amount for what actually got approved for Trumps first stimulus check, or if we count total then 2K approved from Trump. But no matter how you count it Trump pushed for a higher dollar value to the people for stimulus consistently than Biden did.

likewise Trumps total amount on the stimilus (including money for companies) was 2.2 trillion, bidens is 1.9 trillion.

That tells us a few things:

1) Trump gave more money to individuals than biden in by more than 30%

2) A larger percentage of Trumps stimulus budget was for the people rather than for corporations.

3) the overall amount of Trump's stimulus was larger.

Never ceases top amaze me the length people will bend over backwards to try to sell the bias of Trump bad, Biden good. You literally made up a random fact which is clearly not true (and easily seen from the numbers). You pretty much just assumed it to be the case and jumped in and sold the narrative and even just a few seconds of addition/subtraction would have shown trump gave a significantly higher portion of the stimulus to the general population than Biden did.


@freemo Trump provided a 1st check of $600. Biden will provide $1400, plus 100% health coverage for people with no jobs, plus expanded ObamaCare, plus 100 billions for policies related to pandemic (that will go to the people too) and other provisions.

It is not only the money. It is health and others previsions.

It is true that Trump gave a fatter check.

Trump was evil. No because I say so. Or democrats say so. Because he is. All the planet say so.

And the people believing he was great attacked the capitol, or believe the attack is justified, and believe the election was rigged, even when the votes were counting twice and in some states as Georgia they were counted 3 times.

Evil. Because they twisted the true. And Trump and his followers were ready (and they still are) to discard votes just because they do not like them.

So yeah. Trump check was bigger. This 2nd stimulus focus more on people. And Trump is evil.


@freemo And Trump was evil too because he divided the country between his followers, that he called Patriots and the democrats. In his opinion, Democrats are not Americans. In fact they are hardly humans. So there is not conflict on getting Pelosi and hanging her as they tried. Or Pence.

I am not sure what if there is something more evil.

Oh! Yes. A trumpist is ready to believe something said by Putin before believing something said by a democrat. I saw it. Several times.

Last time, said but someone on the National Guard of New Mexico, near Mesilla.

That is why Trump is evil. It will take time to end this division.



> And Trump was evil too because he divided the country between his followers, that he called Patriots and the democrats.

No the democrats mostly did that. Since day one of Trumps election there was violence. The democrats commited so much violence I spent weeks watching my city literally burn and the skys filled with black smoke... Trump was an idiot and said a lot of stupid things, and yes people used that and exagerated it and the democrats took it and used it to divide. Trump holds the blame for being an idiot and saying things that could be used against him. But the democrats are the ones who spent 4 years being violent and lying and exagerating about everystupid thing he said just because it is easy to take stupid shit that isnt said in a tactful way out of context and making it sound worse.. and trump doesnt get any points for being an idiot.

But no, the democrats have divided. As a person who used to be a democrat and who voted for OBama never have I been more ashamed and wanted to distance myself more than after seeing how they behaved the last 4 years, they were sickening.


@freemo I wish those were exaggerations :blobsweats:

He was racist. He disrespected women. And he treated anyone that was not his follower as basically an enemy.

He said that if he would be elected, we would return to "the good all times" (aka the times before MLK).

If someone said something stupid, that person will answer for those words. I mean... let's imagine an employee of some company says the same as Trump. He or she will be fired on spot!

We will see with Biden. I am not a fan. I am not against him either. The same story happened in 2015. I was in "wait and see mode".

Trump clearly could not be in the office... I mean... when Puerto Rico collapsed he said: โ€œCan we outsource the electricity? Can we sell the island? You know, or divest of that asset?โ€

And he even gave his followers a trick when he stripped Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in most of the U.S... so trumpist could go hunting!

He was OK with an entire species going extinct so he could win an election! Come on! That is devil-ish! :D

Still, I do not agree with democrats being divisive. Yes. If a group misses "the good old times" then it is possible some part of the population gets pissed. The division started with "the good old times" part. It did not start with the reaction to a miserable phrase.



He was racist. He disrespected women. And he treated anyone that was not his follower as basically an enemy.

I mean thats not wrong, he was racist, and he was pretty shitty about what he said about women.

Then again Biden literally started his entire career to champion the cause of promoting segregation and doing everything in his power to block desegregation efforts. It was such an important issue for him it literally was the reason he became a senator and fought for it for years…. so while trump certainly had some racist tendencies I wont condone he didnt really hold a candle to Biden’s racism.

He said that if he would be elected, we would return to “the good all times” (aka the times before MLK).

More of that good old exaggeration and lying the dems are so great at… Yes MAGA was his motto, he never once likened it to “the days before MLK”, thats your own fabrication. At worst the guy (like almost every old dude in history, regardless of their disposition towards other races) saw the past as a better time. While you are right to say he is wrong about that it looks quite ridiculous when you start implying he intended that to mean anything racial or that he meant by that that racial equality needs to be abolished…

The reason all this makes your arguments look so weak is because its such obvious and extreme exaggerations of what was actually said it makes it look like you have no argument at all unless you lie and exaggerate.. Thing is, if you didn’t lie and exaggerate and called him out for what he actually explicitly said I’d probably agree with you, but instead because you take the dishonest route and go out of your way to manipulate what was said into something worse than what was said it makes me, a former-democrat, want to have nothing to do with democrats and dont want o be associated with people who lie all the time to get their way even if i do hate the GOP almost as much.

And he even gave his followers a trick when he stripped Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in most of the U.S… so trumpist could go hunting!

He was OK with an entire species going extinct so he could win an election! Come on! That is devil-ish! :D

No doubt this was the wrong move by him and I certainly dont support his choice, but again your interpretation of his motives aren’t accurate. He is a conspiracy theorist and an idiot. When he does things like that it isnt because he doesnt care if the species dies, its that he thinks nature (through the will of god or whatever other way he explains it to himself) is more resilient than people think, scientists are idiots, and that the wolfs would be just fine without explicit protection. Obviously he is wrong, but this isnt out of malice its stupidity and there is no need to frame it as something it isnt.

To be clear his choices and policy in terms of the environment overall is horrific, I am not arguing he is a good president, only that being an idiot is not the same as being evil and you cant twist everytime he is an idiot into it being evil no matter how much you want to… he is evil too, but in far less damning ways than this and in no worse ways than biden.

Still, I do not agree with democrats being divisive.

Of course you don’t, you are literally acting like one of them and are literally doing it right now in this thread… I would not expect you to admit you, and the democrats are divisive. In fact taking no blame for yourself and blaming everything on the other side is virtually the defining quality of being divisive. So you are following the formula to a tee. In fact if you had admitted that democrats held some blame for the divisiveness only then would you have provided some evidence that I was wrong by example, ironically enough,.



Well. Biden was a son of his time. Same Trump.

I gave both the benefit of the doubt. Because I believe people could repent and change. I was not blind to Trump! But who knows? Perhaps he understood his new position. Clearly, he did not.

Trump quickly showed his current self. Biden? We do not know yet. At least I do not know. I feel he is not patient (like an old person, he has no time to lose so it is expected). However, it seems to me that the Biden of the 60s or 70s is not the same Biden as this one.

We will see.

One definition of evil is being the superhero of your own story. So yeah. We could explain why Trump did what he did.

The effects of the decisions matter. He was not only the president of his followers. He was The President of the US. The leader of the free world and the head of the government more powerful on the Earth. He was all that. He cannot pick without breaking things...

Clearly, the effects of his presidency were not positive. US international position suffered. Our allies were humiliated (or plainly killed). Debt increased. Division increased. The global warming fight was delayed for 4 years. Those are the consequences. They are not good.

"The good old days" phrase has a political meaning. It points to the time before MLK. No doubt they were good days for some part of the population.

Another phrase of Trump: "With me, law and order". That phrase came straight from Nixon and it refers to massive incarceration policies.

Is Trump an idiot? Perhaps. I do not believe so. Because an idiot would make mistakes statistically dispersed. His "mistakes" were all the time in the same direction. I am suspicious...

I still do not think Democrats are divisive. Strongly opposing to storming the capitol is not a sign of being rigid or divisive. More like a sign of decency...



If you werent selling the obviously lies biden and democrats sold for 4 years I might agree with your impartiality.. I know you think it of yourself.. but its clear from your pattern and statements it is far from the truth.



In many ways your a lot like trump... repeating conspiracy theories, lying and believing your own lies to sell a extremist ideology where one side is infallible and the other does all the wrong. You like msot democrats are perfect mirror images of Trump, sadly.


@freemo I did not say that. I did not say Democrats are infallible. I actively said 2 or 3 times that I am in a "wait and see" attitude with Biden.

He already did stuff that I believe is wrong. But he is not actively dividing the country.

They are things I could like or not. Tweeting "democrats enemy of the state" is IMHO a no no no (same if republicans were the target).

Examples calling democrats: un-americans, treasonous, enemy of the state, radical left, vicious, steal the election,






I never said you **said** they are infallable.. I said you have **demonstrated** that you treat them as infallable... Saying you are a wait and see guy is all well and good, most people see themselves very differently than they actually are.

I like you because your respectful, and that hasnt change, as long as your respectful ill treat you as such and wont have anything personal against you.. but it is very very clear from your behavior and responses over the course of many months of knowing you that you are far.. **far** from impartial.


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@freemo I am not impartial. When someone try to crush an election by stopping the certification... yes. I am not impartial at all.

They are a lot of fear between republicans. Why? When I was in Idaho, a radio show (very conservative) was trying to convince that Biden will not take the savings from the bank, and Democrats will not install the communism, and things like that.

It was a political show in a religious conservative radio. And they were receiving calls from a terrified audience.

Who did introduce those crazy ideas in that people? Terrified of democrats! Like if they would come from North Korea!

No. I am not impartial.



You dont seem to understand what impartial means.. not being impartial means I do not think you are capable of accurately describing reality, not that you are against acts which you deem to be immoral.

There are plenty things I hate about Trump, he is horrible. But I am capable of seeing the reality of the situation and not need to take someone who is horrible and exagerate it into something it is not simply because im unable to give fair credit to someone who horrible.


@freemo Well. Your background is probably a technical one. So you believe someone can have a straight reading of the real world.

That is impossible.

We observe the world using glasses. We could measure some parameters (a lot of them actually) accurately. Still. Making sense of them is difficult. And that is with object/observer relations.

Politics, and everything involving people cannot be observed as physics do. Because there is not such relation. The observer and the object being observed is the same. And all kind of feedback loops "contaminate" the scenario. We are not gas molecules.

If a person could, then he or she will be rich, because he or she could predict every transaction on the market, every stock going up and down. And he or she would be powerful, because he or she could predict every action of every goverment with years in advance... He or she would understand all the people. He or she would be famous.

In the end, trying to be "impartial" is having a bias to the conservative side of the story. It is unavoidable because we have data from the past, so the bias to tradition and similar issues leaks all around.


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