Telegram's biggest ruzzian propaganda channel "RIA Novosti" posts a daily update about "Special Military Operation" with a map of territorial control. Ever since the Ukrainian Kursks offensive, they stopped posting the map, only a list of updates in form of bullet points, in which they never mention the loss of territories in that front.
Subtle as a battle axe. Russians are THAT easy to manipulate.
This is a position for a bioinformatician... In a biology lab... Focused on Alzheimer's
What the actual FUCK?
I check all the boxes in terms of skills and knowledge but my degree literally is a deal breaker when it comes to employment. Yes, THIS is the state of life science market place. Anyone who is thinking of studying anything life science related just DON'T. Anyone who's already too deep in it... Good fucking luck, you'll need it.
“They write: “family of four, save us.” A few hours later, a new message comes from them: “Grandfather has already drowned. A family of three…” There are many such messages
The creator and coordinator of the volunteer group and chat in Oleshki, Yaroslav Vasiliev, told ASTRA that after more than two days, the situation in the city and other settlements after the incident at the Kakhovskaya HPP on the left bank has not improved. Yaroslav Vasiliev says that volunteers find the boats on their own, but at the checkpoint in Radensk, not only volunteers, but also the boats themselves are not allowed into the flooded points. People without Russian passports are not allowed out of settlements.
"There was a guy with a Ukrainian passport in Oleshki, they didn't let him out in Radensk, and he turned around and returned to Oleshki. This was back when there was not so much water. Now we have no connection with this guy" says Yaroslav ASTRA. Two more people tell ASTRA that people with Ukrainian passports face problems in the occupied territories. “*First of all, they save people with Russian passports*,” says a source from Novaya Kakhovka. The information is also confirmed by a resident Oleshek.
Vasiliev tells ASTRA that the number of reports of drowned people is growing every hour. Those volunteers who are already in the occupied settlements tell Yaroslav that the EMERCOM of the Russian Federation was seen there only once in two and a half days.
“Yesterday the Ministry of Emergency Situations took away two people in Oleshki, left and never returned. And there people are sitting on the roofs, everyone asked for help. Our volunteers saved them,” says Yaroslav.
Reminder in the beginning of this year, russians forced the population of annexed territories to get a russian passport, treating everyone who didn't do it as an illegal foreigner. A couple of months ago, putler signed a law permitting deportation of anyone without a russian passport in the occupied territories if their presence "causes threat to the stability of the region".
Is it genocide yet or are Ukrainians at fault again, for crossing the red line or something...
Portuguese by nationality. Genetically I'm aprox 50% Ukrainian, 25% Russian and 25% Greek. Living in Spain (Catalonia).
I don't identify myself with any "-ism", but the closest thing would be libertarianism.
I work in the field of Life Sciences. My activity usually revolves around genetics and bioinformatics. I also like programming and data science / machine learning.
I started migrating to more ethical digital spaces and services after I had first-hand experience working for one of the most abominable enterprises. There is so much I want to say about it but can't due to legal reasons.