For every #covidiot the price increased to 1 million

We award 1Million € for the scientific proof of the existence of a #coronavirus , including the documented control attempts of all steps taken in the #proof.



::Herp derp::

You: We offer 1 million award for proof of covid

::thousands of doctors offer undeniable proof of covid::

You: Not like that, you have to prove it in a way that conspiracy theory know nothings that would never admit they are wrong wind up admitting they are wrong... silly doctors!

@akeno links to an idiot that agrees with you is not evidence you are right.. it just means there is more than one idiot.

That was Chinese #CDC official admitting on #NBC. try to guess again who is idiot.

#MilgramExperiment Cry

@akeno Did you even watch the video, thats not what he said... He was asked about the fish market and the data specifically out the fish market. He stated the issue was that while they tested the animals and it tested positive they never isolated the virus from the samples **at the fish market**, and that he suspected the source of the virus was somewhere else.

What he did **not** say is that we never isolated the virus at all/in general.

So yea, pretty sure im sticking with who the idiot is here.

Nice. Pathological psychopathic #liar.


"They didn't isolate the virus tha't the issue"

No fish market.

@akeno @freemo

This shit is still going? SMH.

Ok, so, from every scientific, medical, biological, academic, and other angle, people are agreeing that Covid-19 exists, and debating it's significance, treatment, and focusing the debate on "is individual liberty worth sacrificing to let politicians foreclose on it for the sake of something we can't quite control the biology of, at a fucking genetic level." Yet, while that important debate is occurring, Exosome here wants to argue it's ALL fake.

Might as well just jump to "everything is fake" and "we live in a simulation" at that point, honestly, because there is more foundation for that discussion than there is for Covid isn't real. If Covid isn't real, what is?

@Coyote @akeno @freemo

I only argue for liberty with people who believe it's real. I don't know if it's real. Anyone that says they had it seemed to have the flu. When I try to research I get doctors who aren't given live samples to do lab comparison, but every lab test done on someone who is "positive" by field test has the flu. The other side I only find assumption.

It's just not worth picking a side on this. Just advocate for liberty regardless.


Just because youa re too inept to be able to do the research needed to see the mountains of evidence that proves its real doesnt make it so.. your conclusion there shouldnt be "well i guess its not real".. it should be "Well I guess I have no idea what I'm doing and have no fricking clue how to research this topic and should go humbly ask for some help"

@Coyote @akeno

@freemo @Coyote @akeno

Try reading what I wrote again.

If I don't know a topic and the "research" looks fake I can't make a stand on the subject. Regardless I'll advocate for liberty, even if it had 100% death rate and was highly contagious.

I'm definitely not taking your work for anything, emotion is the enemy of rational argument. If nothing else my comment is meant to get people that want the same thing to stop wasting time arguing without cause.


I heard what you said, and again if the research looks fake then its simply because you are inept at finding good research or determining its validity, which derives from the fact that you dont know the topic.

I made no object to you siding with liberty, if you want to argue people should have a right not to vaccinate if they wish or not wear masks I would agree with you, so the liberty part of your argument isnt in question.

@Coyote @akeno


Not once did I suggest you should trust anything.. I suggested you are inept at verifying and thus should be seeking help from experts to learn how to become competent.

@Coyote @akeno

@freemo @Coyote @akeno

You think I can search the internet and trust what some people wrote.

Both sides have some merits. In this situation I would have to physically study it, and it's not in my expertise. Funny enough, online research is, and I have no problems poking holes in theories that are blatantly wrong.

It's especially irrelevant, because real or fake my response will be the same. Absolute personal responsibility, liberty, and private property rights.


If you just said "I have no clue about any of this and therefore cant say" I wouldnt have much issue. But your own words were, for example:

"the "research" looks fake"

So clearly your reading research and drawing some highly incorrect conclusions, and clearly are inept and knowing when research looks fake or real.

As to your conclusions about liberty, again, thats not the part that concerns me.

@Coyote @akeno

@freemo @Coyote @akeno

You focussed on the synapse of what I found when I decided to look into it. I didn't doubt the validity for at least 6 months. After no practical evidence in that time period, I can't discredit the idea that it could be fake.

The reason you gave about viral spread is not evidence, it begins with assumption.

One side has no real evidence.
The other points at the lack of evidence.

Neither have proof. Stop being a shill and wasting people's time.



"After no practical evidence in that time period, I can't discredit the idea that it could be fake."

Again, this is simply because you are inept at understanding the research. There is mountains of practical evidence. The proof is overwhelming, you just either lack the intelligence or the expertise to understand the evidence.

@Coyote @akeno

Β· Β· 1 Β· 0 Β· 0
@freemo @snowkeld @akeno

"you just either lack the intelligence or the expertise to understand the evidence."

Some people just have lives, and an expectation to be able to trust MSM and the government, and not have to do "research" into where that information came from, because "research" to the common man means checking 3-4 sources anywhere they can find them, not scheduling sometime at the STM.

So, no, it's not simply inept. It's a natural reaction in human culture. When something is true (Covid exists), but then gets blown completely out of proportion. I think we can safely say, the reaction was overblown, 2 masks, push for experimental drug on public, every death with a symptom is called Covid caused, on the news 24/7.

So, tests start showing up "no virus found" isn't hard to believe, because some people still get the flu, not -everything- is Covid. But, when M5M keeps saying everything IS covid, and there is more covid, so we need 3 masks, and 2 vaccines per season...

That is when random citizens pop up and say "wait a minute, you told me this was covid, and it was the flu. You told me covid would kill 8% of the world last March (some local news people did, I believe)."

It's -so- overblown, that the average person can find a "this wasn't Covid" datapoint fairly easy. And, they were told to #TrustTheScience.

The lack of trust IS valid, and is healthy. It's societies reaction to being told to many lies. If M5M and government could be honest, and not use every data point to create the maximum levels of fear, this sort of thing wouldn't have happened (to the extent it has, there are always conspiracy nuts, but the level is very high here, because it was brought on by a number of lies).

Credibility has been destroyed by the "average joe" who doesn't have time to read the journals, find a way over a paywall, compare findings, and sort out the quality of the science. All they know is "they said that shit was real, and it wasn't" to any single part of it, which reaches them through MSM, and credibility is gone. Rightfully so. The government and the media is responsible for this, not individual people, who are behaving exactly like they should in a situation like this, with deep skepticism.

Anyway... define "real." Is it "really exactly what they say it is?" Well, depends on who says what, and for a LOT of shit on MSM, no, it's not all real. "Is there really a Covid-19, that kills people?" well, that, yes. But it's not -that- hard to understand why so many people doubt it after a year of wondering why they have to "lockdown" over it.

The battle on the street doesn't need to be the exact same battle as in the lab. The battle in the street should focus on "You are doing what to me and my children, shutting down what private businesses and services, for how long, and telling us travel requires human experimentation?" The answer on the streets should be, "Fucking PROVE IT, because what I'm seeing you show as proof doesn't justify what you are doing to humanity." So, apples and oranges. Symantics. "Is Covid Real?" Well... If "Covid" is the thing, exactly as described by MSM and the government, no, that shit ain't real, not all of it, in the 3 masks will save you kinda way. Does a virus actually exist, that has killed at least some people (probably a large portion of those would they claim it killed)? Yes. Should people stop questioning this issue, no.

Morning coffee done, might check in at lunch...


Just having lives and saying "I had no time to research it and therefore have no options" is also perfectly acceptable response.. but not the response he gave.

@akeno @snowkeld

@freemo @Coyote @akeno

You're trying to tell me what I can and cannot say?

Fuck off.


No, I'm trying to tell you what things you say that are uneducated, and incorrect, and show a general level of stupidity or unwillingness to know your limits and learn.

@Coyote @akeno

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