Just wanted to share a little chart showing the likely effect of the mass BLM protests over George floyd compared to the COVID-19 recorded new cases count.

To be clear, I think Floyd's death was an injustice and I support the idea of opposing it at every level. But it was the number one biggest factor that caused the COVID epidemic to resurge out of control and we never recovered from the surge seen during the protest and even now this new surge we are seeing is partially fueled by the effects of those protests.

The irony here is the left have been the most vocal about COVID and blamed Trump for not seeing enough success in battling it as a central point in their entire presidential debate... yet they are also the ones who caused more loss of life and a more prolific spread of the diseases than anyone else when it served their agenda, and had the gall to try to blame that on Trump or republicans.

After seeing months of liberals abusing old ladies grocery shopping without a mask on and the like it is pretty disgusting, though typical, to see they are also the ones who caused more a problem than anyone else.


@freemo what do you think about Floyd have 3 times the average lethal dosage of Fentanyl in his system, edemas lungs, and no burst petechiae? Pretty obvious based on all that that he died of an OD, not suffocation/strangulation. Because you clearly have a scientific mind I assume you're saying it's an injustice the way the other 100s of thousands of opioid deaths in the US are (especially with the Sackler family getting away with mass murder).

@VarnaNecropolis You'd be surprised how someone borderlining OD (of which many survive) are a hell of a lot quicker and more likely to die when you strangle them.

Thats like saying "Hey its cool your strangled that cancer patient with asthma to death, he was already on the verge of dying so you strangling him doesnt even count!"

Sorry doesnt work that way, if you strangle someone you've already failed regardless of any results that strangulation may have.

All that said, your "evidence" regarding drugs in his system at lethal doses has been debunked (he had drugs in his system, but not even approaching the levels you suggest in the lab reports).. but this is moot as the officer strangling someone is just as guilty if the person was of poor health or not, in fact **more** guilty for strangling someone who was near death if that were the case.

@freemo please share lab reports debunking the opioid levels. Also no physical evidence or video evidence of strangling.

@VarnaNecropolis You used the word stranglation not me.

I am refering to the **video** of him sitting on the guys kneck and chest as he says he cant breath.. very obvious strangulation.

As for the lab report, I actually already shared that, it might be in this thread somewhere, ill search for it again.

@VarnaNecropolis While I look for it please be sure to share **your** lab report (from an actual lab, not some bullshit website) that shows the exact numbers you stated as well, since your the one making the claim. Thanks.


Ok found the original lab report, again, and surprise surprise, you are utterly wrong.

The report states the serum (blood) concentration of fentanyl was 11 ng/ml, the typical doctor prescribed dosage for pain results in a blood serum level of 10 - 20 ng/ml. Meaning not only was he no where near the ridiculous claim of a 3x lethal dosage of fentanyl he wasn't even near a 1x lethal dosage, in fact he was on the **low end** of a regular doctor prescribed dosage.

Full exert from the report:

VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing
performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at
9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine)

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:

1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL

@VarnaNecropolis When the official dosage of fentanyl is twice the level found in his blood, and a second autopsy agreed with what i said, really not much point being made here. None of that changes the fact that he was strangled and died, at best the drugs made him an easier person to kill, which is all the more reason the cops actions were uncalled for , so as I said in the lead in, the autopsy is moot, he was suffocated and if drugs made it easier to kill him by suffocation doesnt in anyway obsolve the police, in fact it makes it more damning.

@freemo @VarnaNecropolis
Did Derek Chauvin break the law? Through unorthodox or unnecessary physical force?


Case, closed.


Huh? Yea of course he did, obviously did. So far no court has ruled to agree with you either..

The case is literally not closed (trial hasnt even begun yet).


@freemo @VarnaNecropolis

Nope. You're wrong. He used normal force, under normal circumstances.

You're wrong, and the case will be dismissed.


No the phase for dismisal is over, it has already **not** been dismissed and a full trial has already been approved and scheduled.

So you are defacto wrong.


@freemo @VarnaNecropolis

That's fine, I'll be de facto wrong, and you can be in fact wrong. Deal.


Nope it literally goes to a full blown court trial in just 4 more days. So pretty sure ill be proven right that it will in fact not get dismissed, ill be provben right in only 4 days (once a full blown trial begins it would have proven i am correct and wasnt dismissed).



In the context you just interjected the other person claimed "it will be dismissed"... which is what I claimed was wrong.. so even if it goes to trial at all it has proved that it was not and wont be dismissed and thus I am proven correct...


@freemo @VarnaNecropolis

A Motion to Dismissed is entered and decided on during a preliminary hearing. Case Dismissed is what concludes a criminal trial with a verdict of not guilty.

The case will be dismissed because he will be found not guilty.

Again, you're wrong.


And you were wrong.. funny, you dont have the best track record when you say im wrong. Might want to rethink your confidence in your opinions when you say that :)


@freemo @VarnaNecropolis

Believe it or not, I was actually going to message you to give you credit, but damn if your arrogance didn't sap any respect you were due.

Seems like you aren't interesting in being right, just others being insecure in their own beliefs? Textbook sociopathic behavior, bro.


LOL ok buddy.. and yes I want people to be critical of their beleifs so they can be more rational. When you have high confidence in things and are often wrong yes you should have less confidence and be more humble.. something you dont seem to be capable of.


@freemo @anon00110 lol you're still a nigger and George Floyd is still a dead criminal junkie nigger. Enjoy your head pat nigger.


With your track record of being wrong any other accusations you make loose any weight.


@freemo @VarnaNecropolis

You don't want humility, you want submission to your superior intellect because you're a sociopath.

See? You want my being wrong about the outcome a single event to imply future incorrect predictions or estimations. Not only is that a logical fallacy, but an excellent representation of a dark triad trait prevalent among sociopathic and psychopathic people.

Something tells me you don't believe in science, since it's mostly about being wrong, you just believe in whatever will most likely make you look right.

Homie, you're vindictive. It's that simple. I'm OK with being wrong. You're not OK with me being fine with it, you want me to be humiliated.

That's sociopathic and pathetic.


Nope. I wouldnt mind if you had an opinion and were wrong. but you stated it as undeniable fact, that is the issue. It was how you presented yourself and usually do, you have no doubt in your own obviously doubtful assertions.


@freemo @VarnaNecropolis

Interesting. You really should go back and look at how you post. Because I framed how I posted in that thread based on how you post.

I just used wrong instead of incorrect. What you're seeing is what you do to others - maybe that's what you're really noticing and what made you so upset, your own arrogance reflected back at you.

I mean if you look the thread literally ended with you asserting your absolute certainty and me saying i think your wrong but a chance you coukd be right... Soooooo

@freemo @anon00110 are you tagging me because you like being called a nigger loving faggot nerd? Power flexed and you got the result you wanted. Now go suck nigger dick somewhere else.

Mostly because your little tantrum has no emotional effect on me either way other than amusement to see you flail like a racist moron.

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