Man, Biden's mental decline/senility is really getting bad. I doubt he stands a chance whoever he goes up against in the next election, he can barely stay coherent outside of a teleprompter.


When the options are pro-democracy or pro-fascism, the choice becomes clear.

Besides, Biden still wins.


@RememberUsAlways Sadly those were never the choices... The choice was always between a pro-segregationist (Biden) or a pro-fascist (Trump).


I think Biden has proven himself a strong advocate for civil rights.

Now compare the parties at the State level.

Who are the segregationists today?


The only thing he has proven himself to do is whatever gets him votes at that particular point in history.. He consistently was pro-segregation and made it the goal of his career right until it started to hurt him, then he did whatever was popular at that moment. He goes so over the top its almost comical anyone buys it.


This obviously explains how we survived as VP for President Obama. Did you even consider that?

@RememberUsAlways I did yes, and have no idea how you think him being VP is "proof" of something... Do you recall him ever even apologizing publicly for his pro-segregation days, crying at how atrocious his behavior was when he said he didnt want a "racial jungle"? I dont... You think we are suppose to just forgive him when he never even said sorry or showed an ounce of remorse?

@freemo @RememberUsAlways he did apologize back in 2019. And a quick Google search show him apologizing a few times. I don't think his views are the same as they were in the 70's. Is he too old? Oh yeah. But...


I've searched for him apologizing many times and never found it. Please share the link, I'd love to see a heart felt apology, might even give him a second chance if it is emotional and convincing.


@freemo @RememberUsAlways Well heartfelt is asking a lot of a politician, but there was quite a bit of news in 2019 about it ( is probably the source) . He's made mistakes and he's definitely supported policies I didn't agree with even at the time, but he's a reasonable guy who can change his mind and grow, which is rare in a politician. This is from almost four years ago but it's a fair



This isnt even remotely an apology or admitting, let alone a good one... He **spear headed** the segregation movement, not simply "worked with other bad senators he has opposed"...Its laughable and so far from an apology it comes across as the opposite... reading his statements is exactly why anyone with half a brain can see Biden isnt sincere and still a racist biggot in disguise.


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Oh and by the way, the link was an apology to something Biden said in June, not to his actions from the 60s and 70s promoting and fighting for segregation... so the links arent even remotely related to the topic discussed...


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