@freepeoplesfreepress The right to bear arms is an essential right!

I dont disagree with you in principle, obviously everyone wants to reduce needless death.

But I ask you to consider, why did you choose the language "I would like to eliminate mass shootings" and not "I'd like to eliminate mass murder" or even just murder? You never hear people use any other means as a qualifier "I'd like to eliminate mass stabbings" or "I'd like to eliminate mass poisonings" or any of the other ways people can (and have) been killed en mass. For that matter when you are more likely to be struck by lightening than being involved in a mass murder of any kind, why is that a focus at all, regardless of weapon?

@freemo @freepeoplesfreepress Why is gun ownership so important in the US when no one outside it cares about guns at all? I mean, are people in other countries perceived as less free just because it's more difficult for them to kill others or what? Also curious if you can give an example of other nations where guns might be considered so important, as to be declared a human right?

@mapto @freepeoplesfreepress

Same reas9n you have whole areas of the world that will put people in jail for being gay.. propaganda, groupthink and brain washing.

When looked at objectively and in good faith (this part is lacking) I thi k any reasonable person woukd ubderstand its not about the right to kill people, its about the right to save lives, larticipate in a sport, hunt, and many other useful purposes.

@freemo @freepeoplesfreepress I fail to see how gun ownership saves lives, it certainly doesn't in sports and hunting. Anyway, we clearly disagree about this. For me it was important to see your point of view elaborated and I thank you for this


@mapto @freepeoplesfreepress

If you cant see how a gun can prevent someone from killing or raping you, or bow hubting can prevent someone from starving then i dont know what to tell ya.

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